For many the thought of building up a retro game library of the games you want to collect isn't easy or cheap. It seems like more and more people are trying to collect these old games making stock limited and driving up prices. Even when new opportunities to own these classics comes up by way of the Nintendo or Super Nintendo Classic those options aren't available to everyone as again... stock is limited so what's a person to do? Well Cygnus Destroyer as a video about solutions to these problems by way of flash carts and bootlegs. Seems a bit odd to to me to play a Nintendo Game on a NES recreation like the RetroN and a flash cart when you could just emulate everything on your PC but... All that said, these are great options if you wanted to play a game you couldn't find on your original NES hardware with a flash cart or if your childhood NES broke like mine, replace it with something a bit less expensive and just as useful like a RetroN 3.