Thanks for this! Here is my haiku attempt!

Borderlands was fun.
Now it's time for way more guns.
Lots and lots of guns.

LexTranmer wrote on 09/15/2012 at 03:18pm


JoeSierra wrote on 09/15/2012 at 03:29pm

Hey Jetson!

MinecraftLover wrote on 09/15/2012 at 05:33pm

Good luck: +1

FireInDaHole wrote on 09/15/2012 at 05:35pm

You're right. This site is pretty cool.

AGirlGamer wrote on 09/15/2012 at 05:38pm


Sarah wrote on 09/15/2012 at 06:46pm


MrYelinx wrote on 09/15/2012 at 06:48pm

Here you go Jetson.

IAmNotAPipe wrote on 09/15/2012 at 06:50pm

Good luck!

Megaman wrote on 09/15/2012 at 06:53pm

You sure are lucky you have friends XD.

Xavier wrote on 09/15/2012 at 07:21pm

Good luck on the math exam on Wednesday!

IWishIWasMLG wrote on 09/15/2012 at 07:23pm

XD He'll need it Xavier.

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