It's official, April 26th is the launch date for the new Hearthstone expansion Whispers of the Old Gods. Save your gold and lock the doors as The Old Gods are coming and corrupting everything in their path!

I am wondering what cards people are interested in picking up?

AdamPFarnsworth wrote on 04/19/2016 at 05:55pm

I love this trailer! The music has a very strong Disney vibe to it :)

Bina wrote on 04/20/2016 at 10:08am

I can never count on opening the cards I want. After opening over 50 packs of classic I still had to craft 2 knife jugglers, 2 abusive sergeants, and 2 leaper gnomes. There are still a ton of epics and rares I want that I haven't opened, and forget about legendaries.
Anyways, I'm mostly focused on looking at the commons that I want, because those are the ones I'm most likely to open or craft. Here's the ones I'm looking at:
Faceless Summoner (mage)
Ravaging Ghoul (warrior)
And I guess some of the cards that buff C'Thun

Proportionally they seem to have leaked a lot of legendaries and not a ton of commons. By my count about 15 commons released and 16 legendaries. So we may be seeing a lot more commons, and few or no more legendaries.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/21/2016 at 12:22am

All of those cards i'd love too and like you I am mostly looking forward to cards I know I can get. The biggest pack open i've ever had was for The Grand Tournament and that was 22 packs. I opened quite a lot of great stuff and got many cards that turned out to be great I didn't think I wanted(Dragon cards being the main thing).

I am looking forward to C'Thun because it looks so fun yet everyone will have him so I wonder what kind of constructed we will have with that deck on the rampage?

> Proportionally they seem to have leaked a lot of legendaries and not a ton of commons. By my count about 15 commons released and 16 legendaries. So we may be seeing a lot more commons, and few or no more legendaries.

Can't wait. They have a little under half of the cards yet to reveal and I can't wait to see what they are.

Bina wrote on 04/21/2016 at 09:46am

I guess they have at least three more legendaries to release as we haven't seen a legendary for druid, mage or warrior yet...

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