Monster Hunter: World

Released on January 26, 2018 by Capcom

Developed by Capcom

Welcome to a new world! In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.

This looks like an awesome movie and it's coming out at the end of the year! I saw other smaller trailers for it, but this one added to that. It seems to explain why a modern group of military soldiers are fighting monsters we see in the Monster Hunter games. It didn't make sense, before this trailer, why modern weapons were being used, but now it makes sense. You do get to see some people using weapons that we're used to seeing in Monster Hunter games. One of the main characters, for instance, is using dual blades. She's one of these modern soldiers, but it seems she switches from modern weapons to Monster Hunter weapons. There are other characters we will see... Read All

Monster Hunter: World Iceborne is Coming to PC Jan. 9th

Monster Hunter: World has become Capcom’s highest selling game. After it’s success on consoles, it came to PC a bit later (last year). It’s first paid expansion pack DLC, Iceborne was released for consoles some time ago, but it is coming to PC on Jan 9th. Not only is the game coming to PC, but it includes new upgrades such as DirectX12 and “better” keyboard and mouse controls.

I got MHW this Spring and started playing it this Summer. I can only imagine how people play the game with a keyboard and mouse. I decided early on to use an Xbox controller for the game as I read that it was recommended. I’ve always found... Read All

Azurephile gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Azurephile gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.

  • Recommended +1

  • Prepare (including crafting), hunt, collect materials, repeat. Simple, but still deep.

  • 14 different types of weapons

  • Single and multiplayer content

  • Controller and keyboard and mouse support
Monster Hunter is a Capcom game series. It has been around for a while and is very popular in Japan. Monster Hunter: World is now Capcom’s top selling game, which is truly a success. The game is simple with depth. The premise of the game is to hunt monsters, collect materials, craft items, and repeat. The process of doing this is also simple; prepare for a hunt, hunt a monster, collect materials, craft items, and repeat the process. This small process... Read All