
Released on December 9, 2009 by Sabi Games

Developed by Sabi Games

Children jump right into a drawing adventure with friendly animals that are ready to play and help them learn to read! Using Living Ink – Sabi’s unique drawing recognition system - kid's drawings become one-of-a kind interactive objects that form the centerpiece of the game's action.

Crafted especially for early-readers, the game play is designed to provide a new way for children to practice reading and creative problem solving skills. New methods to engage children in learning, discovered during a multi-year research project conducted by Microsoft Corporation, are fused into the game's design, yielding a unique experience that enhances self-confidence and encourages fun and learning. The game provides a totally unique experience every time it is played. Since the environment is created through each player's personal drawings, the possibilities are as endless and fantastic as your child's imagination.

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