Support Cheerful Ghost!

We're asking for your financial support so we can keep bringing you the content you love!

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!

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You don't have to fly all the way to Alderaan to help out! Become a Cheerful Ghost member, and help us bring you the news and discussion you love on Cheerful Ghost and Cheerful Ghost Radio, and awesome games like Tale of the White Wyvern. We have a few ways you can pay, and different levels to match your budget.

Would you kindly support Cheerful Ghost?

Unlike Andrew Ryan, we won't brainwash you to make you help us, but we hope we can persuade you. We have tons of fun making Cheerful Ghost, but it's not cheap. Your financial support will go toward:

  • Site Hosting for Cheerful Ghost and Tale of the White Wyvern, and hosting for Cheerful Ghost Radio
  • Allowing us to make more amazing games like Tale of the White Wyvern
  • Our yearly Portland Retro Game Expo booth, where we host video game tournaments!
  • Solving the age-old problem of having too much money in your pocket

This deal is getting better all the time!

Membership comes with a lot of perks, and we're just going to keep adding them as we make more stuff! And, we won't even seal your friend in carobonite as a negotiating tactic.

  • Cheerful Ghost Membership: $2 per month via Patreon, or one lump sum of $24 per year with Paypal. A membership gets you a shiny badge on your profile and any posts/comments you make, alongside a Membership trophy. This also lets you access member-only cosmetic items in the games we develop, such as weapons, armor, and hats as well as unique username flair and titles in Tale of the White Wyvern.
  • Cheerful Ghost SUPER-membership: $5 per month via Patreon, or one lump sum of $60 per year with Paypal. Oh wow, you like us, you really like us! You get everything the member level gets, plus we give you a shout out in the credits on everything we make as a supporter.

You have multiple options for supporting us, the same cost to you either way. If you prefer a small monthly payment, then Patreon is the way to go. It'll automatically give us how ever much you tell it to. If you prefer to do lump sum payments, then our Paypal options are for you. The yearly cost works out to the same either way, so pick what works for you and hit one of those shiny buttons below!

You need swag badly!

You can also show your support by buying some merchandise from our Zazzle shop. Currently, we have t-shirts and mugs for Tale of the White Wyvern up for sale. Let us know what kind of products you'd be interested in!