Discussion Forums

The Cheerful Ghost Forums are the place for any kind of discussion around games, movies or off-topic threads that are not on the main page.

The Wii U stands out among the new generation consoles for many reasons such as the usage of a touch screen game pad and it's probably not as powerful. However, the Wii U can do what neither the XBox One nor the PS4 can do, backwards compatibility. Sure, eventually you can purchase games from older PS generations once they get that cloud service available, but the Wii U is the only console which will play the games you already paid for.

I don't know why it took me so long to realize, but last night I found out about the Wii Transfer Tool, for free on Nintendo's eStore. My son wanted to play Pokemon Rumble, which I had downloaded for him on the Wii some time ago. While... Read All

Well, I finally installed a mod. Lately, I've been watching Paul Soares Jr.'s "Man vs. Minecraft" series (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfFwCZ1J-bY&list=PL6B5B91968D9032D2). I've made it to Season 2 and found out that he's using the MoCreatures mod. So, I decided to check it out. The main reason I have neglected mods for Minecraft so far is that it looked too complicated to get them installed. I saw some saying something about editing files within some of the java files and it just looked too complicated. However, getting MoCreatures installed wasn't that difficult. I first had to download a few files. The mod itself and one of the other files are in .zip format... Read All

Hyrule Warriors is coming out for the Wii U in 2 days and I'm wondering if any of you are planning to pick it up. For some reason I'm not sure if I will or not. I'm not sure why I'm on the fence about it. Maybe if I watch some more gameplay videos, I'll be more for it. Have any of you gotten a Wii U since we last talked about it during E3? Are any of you planning on getting the game?

Also, for those of you who own a 3DS, the demo for Super Smash Bros. is now available. You can only play as Link, Pikachu, Mario, Megaman, and Villager (from Animal Crossing). I played it at least once with each character. My son has been playing it a lot lately. The full game comes out on... Read All

It's the battle to the death between the iPhone 6 and the Galaxy S5 in this chart from The Onion. Who won?

It's interesting to see films and music videos without music. Someone clipped John Williams score out of the Star Wars throne room scene and the results are interesting. I loved how they dubbed in Chewbaccas voice each time.

Hey folks,

It looks like our Terraria server is slowing down. When that's finished, how would you guys feel about a Minecraft server? I haven't put a ton of time into Minecraft, but games like this are more fun with friends. We can have a celebration of Minecraft before Microsoft buys it :)

This is just to gauge interest-- if we don't get a ton of interest I'll table the idea for a while.

Good audio fidelity is a really important part of how I enjoy music and video games. So important that this year I bought a new pair of Sennheisers to replace my starter pair. When I buy a pair of headphones they must do a few things.

  1. Be over the ear and provide an amount of natural noise cancelation. I don't care for the headphones that contain active noise cancelation frequency technology as it kind of hurts my ears. I prefer a solid pair of over the ear headphones that naturally muffle the outside noise.

  2. Sound great

  3. Look pretty good

  4. Feel comfortable over the ear for prolonged use

  5. I'd rather not spend a zillion dollars

That all said, each pair i've got as been a... Read All