Hyrule Warriors is coming out for the Wii U in 2 days and I'm wondering if any of you are planning to pick it up. For some reason I'm not sure if I will or not. I'm not sure why I'm on the fence about it. Maybe if I watch some more gameplay videos, I'll be more for it. Have any of you gotten a Wii U since we last talked about it during E3? Are any of you planning on getting the game?
Also, for those of you who own a 3DS, the demo for Super Smash Bros. is now available. You can only play as Link, Pikachu, Mario, Megaman, and Villager (from Animal Crossing). I played it at least once with each character. My son has been playing it a lot lately. The full game comes out on 10/3/14 and I'm thinking about getting it really for my son since he seems to be really enjoying the demo. I'm more interested in the Wii U version. As I played the demo I thought about how I dislike that I'm pretty much button-mashing when playing it, which makes me not want the game. Unfortunately, there isn't a demo for it on the Wii U, but that may change in the coming months. What are your thoughts? Are you going to pick it up?
Also, for those of you who own a 3DS, the demo for Super Smash Bros. is now available. You can only play as Link, Pikachu, Mario, Megaman, and Villager (from Animal Crossing). I played it at least once with each character. My son has been playing it a lot lately. The full game comes out on 10/3/14 and I'm thinking about getting it really for my son since he seems to be really enjoying the demo. I'm more interested in the Wii U version. As I played the demo I thought about how I dislike that I'm pretty much button-mashing when playing it, which makes me not want the game. Unfortunately, there isn't a demo for it on the Wii U, but that may change in the coming months. What are your thoughts? Are you going to pick it up?

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Haven't picked up a Wii U yet. Some of my friends have talked about anytime Warriors though, curious to try it out with them.
I went to Gamestop today and pre-ordered both games. As I said, I'm pretty much getting Smash Bros on the 3DS for my son, since he's been thoroughly enjoying the demo. I got to play a demo of Hyrule Warriors at Gamestop. It seems like another button-smashing game, but I guess taking out tons of enemies impressed me.
Now that I remember, I should also note here that there is DLC for Mario Kart 8. Link and others have been added to the game. I haven't gotten it yet, though.
I just watched this review of Hyrule Warriors yesterday. I think it looks like fun :)
Awesome! Thanks, Adam! I've never played a Dynasty Warriors game.
Ok, as for the Mario Kart 8 DLC, there are two packs, both can be purchased together. One is a Link/Zelda pack and the other is an Animal Crossing pack. Currently, the DLC is available for pre-order. It seems the DLC will be available in November.
I'm disappointed that I was able to play the demo for Hyrule Warriors at Gamestop, but that demo is not available on Nintendo's eStore. I just finished watching the videos for the game in the eStore. I'm looking forward to playing it tomorrow.
I got Hyrule Warriors today. I've spent only a little bit of time playing it, but so far I think it's fun. Since I technically pre-ordered the game, I received a download code for the Ocarina of Time costume pack. Since I registered the game at club.nintendo.com, I received a download code for a Ganondorf costume. The game had an update and another DLC, which which I purchased for about $20. It contains costume packs and more (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/hyrule-warriors-gets-4-dlc-packs-bonus-dark-link-c/1100-6422459/).
I also picked up Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) for me and my son and I got him Pokemon White 2 (DS), since he asked for it. I also asked about Nintendo's amiibo (http://www.nintendo.com/amiibo) figures. I got to see a list of the ones expecting to be released with the Smash Bros. Wii U launch. I also found out that they are going to cost about $15 each. I'm very likely to get at least two of them, one for me and my son. It may be difficult to choose just two. I'll also be looking forward to the new amiibo attachment for the 3DS. Watching the videos on Nintendo's eShop for Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros. last night got my Nintendo enthusiasm peaking again.
Interesting to see Nintendo get into the "Skylanders Business." $15 per figure sounds a bit steep, but they do work in game too. I at least like that even when your done playing the game you still have the figure.
I actually thought that price was reasonable.
I can truthfully say that I have been enjoying Hyrule Warriors.
Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS comes out tomorrow and I'm now thinking about getting two copies of the game so that my son and I have our own. One thing I like about the Wii U and PS3 is that you can have separate user accounts on each system. This way our saved data can be separate. I think the main reason for my new decision is because I know the game has lots of things to unlock and I'd rather have my own saved data to work on.
So, is anyone else planning to pick up a copy of Super Smash Bros. tomorrow?