152 Posts
This is a beautiful remake of Super Mario World in 3D!

Just a rad video about art created by the individual RGB lights of pixels!

This looks *amazing*!
I've only played bits and pieces of GTA IV or V, but I feel like I *need* to play this lol
I've only played bits and pieces of GTA IV or V, but I feel like I *need* to play this lol

An incredibly interesting video about From Scratch building a working computer inside Terraria!

In one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time, YouTuber DougDoug created an AI to play through the game Pajama Sam. The original stream on Twitch was around 8 hours long, but it's been edited down here to *just* 2.5 hours lol.
I can't really put into words the insane hilarity that ensues, but here's a quality comment on the video:
AI Sam: Talks about crab secret, golden sword and Elgrim the Demon Lord, killing trees in a terrorist attack, putting communist carrots in a concentration camp and rambles about eldritch horrors in a British pirate accent while chugging an unhealthy amount of energy drinks and making creepy noises like he is possesed by a demon.
Chat: "I can fix him"
This is a long time commitment, but it's so good! I'm contemplating finding the original 8 hour version and watching all of that LOL
I can't really put into words the insane hilarity that ensues, but here's a quality comment on the video:
AI Sam: Talks about crab secret, golden sword and Elgrim the Demon Lord, killing trees in a terrorist attack, putting communist carrots in a concentration camp and rambles about eldritch horrors in a British pirate accent while chugging an unhealthy amount of energy drinks and making creepy noises like he is possesed by a demon.
Chat: "I can fix him"
This is a long time commitment, but it's so good! I'm contemplating finding the original 8 hour version and watching all of that LOL

This Youtuber recreates Donkey Kong, then runs uses 3 different types of AI to see how good they can be at it.
It's a fun look at different types of AI, and how each one "learns."
It's a fun look at different types of AI, and how each one "learns."

Turns out, Pedro Pascal was *born* to play Mario!

This weekend, I played a handful of blockchain games from Levana Protocol (https://twitter.com/Levana_protocol)
Salim's Adventure is an 8-bit side scroller that took a few hours for me to get the hang of (some of the hit detection isn't perfect, so I kept running into some spikes lol). It's a fun Mario-type game where you can jump on enemies, avoid spikes, and at the end defeat a dragon ghost. If you're into side scrollers, I recommend checking it out :)
Alchemy is an ingredient combining game. To master "future space science," you need to combine ingredients to find new ingredients and keep combining them until you've mastered it all.
Arach Attack is a puzzle game, where you're attempting to find ways to kill all the spiders, and get your hero to the next level.
All three games require you to have Keplr browser extension wallet (I can help you set that up if you'd like https://www.keplr.app/), and a little bit of Juno (the cryptocurrency the games run on). I don't belive there are any crypto prizes left for playing these games, but they're still fun to experience for an afternoon. I can send you a little Juno to cover your fees, just let me know if you're interested!
In addition to these three Levana Protocol games, the game I'm looking forward to the most is Strange Clan. It's still a couple years out, but hopefully there's going to be a vertical slice demo at the end of this year, or possibly the beginning of next year. I own some of these character NFTs (each of the starting 10,000 characters are unique, but in the future there will be many more characters to buy to play, and they'll be much less expensive. The team is shooting for a price comparable to a WoW subscription), and I love the way the development team is progressing! They're also incredibly transparent, as we have calls 3 times a week on discord, and they update us on progress. Here's the latest promo video: https://twitter.com/thestrangeclan/status/1542925162332540928
Salim's Adventure is an 8-bit side scroller that took a few hours for me to get the hang of (some of the hit detection isn't perfect, so I kept running into some spikes lol). It's a fun Mario-type game where you can jump on enemies, avoid spikes, and at the end defeat a dragon ghost. If you're into side scrollers, I recommend checking it out :)
Alchemy is an ingredient combining game. To master "future space science," you need to combine ingredients to find new ingredients and keep combining them until you've mastered it all.
Arach Attack is a puzzle game, where you're attempting to find ways to kill all the spiders, and get your hero to the next level.
All three games require you to have Keplr browser extension wallet (I can help you set that up if you'd like https://www.keplr.app/), and a little bit of Juno (the cryptocurrency the games run on). I don't belive there are any crypto prizes left for playing these games, but they're still fun to experience for an afternoon. I can send you a little Juno to cover your fees, just let me know if you're interested!
In addition to these three Levana Protocol games, the game I'm looking forward to the most is Strange Clan. It's still a couple years out, but hopefully there's going to be a vertical slice demo at the end of this year, or possibly the beginning of next year. I own some of these character NFTs (each of the starting 10,000 characters are unique, but in the future there will be many more characters to buy to play, and they'll be much less expensive. The team is shooting for a price comparable to a WoW subscription), and I love the way the development team is progressing! They're also incredibly transparent, as we have calls 3 times a week on discord, and they update us on progress. Here's the latest promo video: https://twitter.com/thestrangeclan/status/1542925162332540928

CodeParade, the creator of the non-Euclidean geometry game Hyperbolica (I *highly* recommend checking out his videos on that game) is now experimenting with building a game in 4D.
This video is a fun breakdown on what a 4D game could look like and talks about some of the attempts at building 4D games already.
I love thinking about higher dimensions, so this was right up my alley. Hopefully you find it interesting too!
This video is a fun breakdown on what a 4D game could look like and talks about some of the attempts at building 4D games already.
I love thinking about higher dimensions, so this was right up my alley. Hopefully you find it interesting too!

At the end of this month, Samsung Smart TVs (from 2022, not older) will have the new XBox App, and players will be able to stream games without a console!
I love Samsung TVs, but mine is a bit older (2014). The next time I buy a new TV, I will definitely stick with Samsung, and just might get a Game Pass to start playing games again!
Gaming without a console is a game-changer (no pun intended 😆)
What say you? Would you be interested in going console-less with a Smart TV?
I love Samsung TVs, but mine is a bit older (2014). The next time I buy a new TV, I will definitely stick with Samsung, and just might get a Game Pass to start playing games again!
Gaming without a console is a game-changer (no pun intended 😆)
What say you? Would you be interested in going console-less with a Smart TV?