
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2742 Posts

"Introducing Nintendo Sound Clock: Alarmo, an interactive alarm clock that’s out of the ordinary! Alarmo responds to your body’s movement with game sounds, so you can feel like you’re waking up in the game world itself. Set an alarm inspired by five Nintendo games, with more alarms on the way as free updates as they become available. "

So Nintendo is making an alarm clock and as the kids say, I'm here for it. I'm not sure who asked Nintendo for this, seems like folks are more interested in the Switch 2.... that said, if you needs some help and want to wake up with Nintendo themed fun, this is for you. Alarmo is up there with strangely lovable Nintendo stuff like the Virtual Boy and Nintendo Cereal System (bring this back please). I'm surprised folks think this is too much at $99 as that seems about right but you can only get one at the moment if you are a Nintendo Online subscriber or live close enough to a Nintendo store.

I'm going to say that this will be a highlight at Christmas if it's available but it's hard to say how useful this could actually be. Still I'll most likely buy one because even if it's not something I use every day Nintendo products that go out of print are collectable and can hold value well into the future.

"Jeremy Jayne reveals the remarkable tale of how a teenage hobbyist (Dave Johnston) accidentally made one of Counter-Strike's most iconic maps. And then accidentally did it again."

Counter-Strike is the reason why I originally bough Half Life. Dust was and is one of the most iconic Counter-Strike maps and perhaps one of the most popular multiplayer maps of all time.

The Elder Scrolls: Castles launched last week on iOS and Android and I've been playing it a bit each day since. It's a good tippy tap phone game that Bethesda boasted is a spiritual sequel to Fallout Shelter. And yeah, they were totally right, it's the same basic gameplay of Fallout Shelter but with an Elder Scrolls theme. It's not just a reskin as they've improved upon many of the game mechanics in that the time passes differently and there is a bit more to the game to keep track of. Still, it's a very similar game and they launched with a bit more than the original Fallout Shelter had but already after a week I'm not sure what may keep me playing it? Is it a fun game worth check out? Absolutely. If you've played everything Fallout Shelter had does this add much more? Well, generally no it has about what Fallout Shelter has and for that I'm curious if they plan to add more to the base game?

I'm impressed with what they've done here and the focus on hand drawn graphics in the Elder Scrolls universe is a choice I didn't expect. So far, I've built everything you can and am not really sure where to progress with it. I'll keep it installed on my phone and hope that more comes but since it's free and I've already had a lot of fun, so I'm not sure what more to expect. If you love everything Elder Scrolls or the original Fallout Shelter this game is a must play. Plus it's free so there isn't much reason not to install it and build your kingdom!

"Castles is the spiritual successor to Fallout Shelter, the popular vault-building mobile game that puts you in the role of an Overseer. In Castles, you’ll take on the role of the right hand of the king (or queen) and manage your kingdom. You’ll build the castle of your dreams, rule over your subjects, and make critical decisions about your kingdom’s future as you build your dynasty.  "

I love Fallout Shelter so a new free to play game from Bethesda sounds incredible. Fallout Shelter started on phones and eventually was ported to everything including PC so I hope the same thing happens here. Also.... Fallout Shelter 2? This may be the next best thing.

In 2019 iD Software re-released Doom to nearly all the modern systems. It was a solid release, yet didn't have LAN or online multiplayer and it wasn't as configurable as it could be. During this years 2024 Quakecon iD Software partnering with the incredible team at Nightdive Studios released the definitive remake of Doom in Doom + Doom II. What does this re-remaster include? A whole lot and by default includes all the levels from Doom + Doom II as well as Master Levels for DOOM II, TNT: Evilution, The Plutonia Experiment, No Rest for the Living, Sigil & Legacy of Rust (a new episode created in collaboration by individuals from id Software, Nightdive Studios and MachineGames).

DOOM FINALLY INCLUDES ONLINE MULTIPLAYER and an all new Deathmatch map pack featuring 25 maps! I've spent quite a bit of time playing Deathmatch online and it's a really fast paced wild cacophony of shootery goodness. Right now, it's not hard to jump in and play with people so jump in while you can and enjoy the 90's deathmatch glory. I also appreciate that it's VERY easy to play with anyone on any platform. While I don't pay for online for the Switch or XBox, when I'm Deathmatching on Steam it's neat to see Switch & Playstation people Dooming alongside me.

Oh and, they've released a WHOLE NEW OFFICIAL DOOM CAMPAIGN! I've wanted this for quite a while as I consider Doom to be one of the, if not the greatest game of all time that deserves new regular releases. I know there is a vibrant community of incredible maps and mods created, but I hope with this release we see iD Software making an effort to release a new official campaign from time to time.

"Created in collaboration by individuals from id Software, Nightdive Studios, and MachineGames, Legacy of Rust is the newest episode for DOOM, and the first official episode since DOOM II to feature new demons and weapons."

Like many of these iD + Nightdive re-releases if you previously owned Doom on any platform this is available for free. So if you bought it on Switch, you can search for it and download the new version which is side-by-side with the old iD version.

Coming back to Doom with this new release I have a new goal and I don't care how long it takes me to achieve. For quite some time I've wanted to play all of the official Doom + Doom II levels and now I will be. I consider all of the content added in this new Doom + Doom II release to be official and I'll be going through it all. Not really focused on completing it in any particular order, just going through all of the hellish Doom goodness! So far, I've started with Doom II and have been having a great time going through it on my Steam Deck & PC.

If you want to dig in to all what's included in the Doom + Doom II release check out the official notes below or watch the Quakecon stream on YouTube where they go over it and show off the new campaign Legacy of Rust and Multiplayer.

Quakecon Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThQd_UJaTys&list=WL&index=46
Quakecon Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o58IzkTV144&list=WL&index=50

Even though this release is as close to perfect as it gets, one suggestion is for a feature to DISABLE weapon switching on pickup. It's not the worst but annoying in multiplayer. Also, bots. Bots would be lovely for when there aren't as many people to frag with you online as we'd like.

Recently I was retro game thrifting with one of my friends Will and I spotted Jeopardy! on NES for $4 on a discount shelf. Young Jon Dodson would never have picked up Jeopardy! and would have always preferred Zelda, Metal Gear, Mario or nearly anything else to a classic game show game. Not to say I haven't enjoyed game show video games, I have very fond memories of Wheel of Fortune on DOS, I just wasn't a big Jeopardy fan when I was young. Times change and as luck would have it I've been watching a fair amount of Jeopardy on Pluto.tv. I've also really enjoyed watching Jeopardy with my girlfriend. As we watch we try and answer the questions and the good news is we both can answer a fair amount, but she nearly always gets more answers than I do. Date smarter people folks, it's not a bad strategy! With that, between us were a fair trivia pair and because of this when I saw NES Jeopardy! on the discount shelf, I bought it.

NES Jeopardy! came out in 1988 and contains questions forever frozen in time from that area. Good news is my girlfriend and I do know quite a bit about that time or earlier, so we're not too bad as a pair up against the computers. I think my only negative thought on Jeopardy! for NES is that because of the limited way you can enter data into the NES at times you have to hunt and peck to type in the answer and that can take quite a bit of time. The good news is they give you A LONG time to answer the question, but answering questions on a d-pad when it's long is annoying. Still, it's not too bad and the game is very quick and the character graphics are charmingly campy.

So far we've played Jeopardy! a handful of times and haven't gotten any duplicate categories yet, but at some point I expect to. Because we've had so much fun playing Jeopardy! I plan on buying out the rest of the series on the NES through Super Nintendo. These games don't seem to be any kind of rare so if you wanted to play it on retro hardware it's only going to cost a few dollars.

Nintendo released World Championships NES Edition on Switch July 18th. Because I'm a pretty consistent mark for classic Nintendo games remixed in a new way, some months ago I pre-ordered the Physical Edition that came with a few fun extras along with the Switch game cart. After playing it a few times with friends on the couch I can say that this game is a nearly perfect game to play with friends. I've seen some reviews say that it's light on content and that's a fair consideration, however I believe there is a lot of game here and that this is a game that I will keep coming back to and playing with my friends for many years to come, if not... forever?

People talk about "forever games" like Fortnite, Minecraft or others that have a ton of online players and games that one can play all day for years at a time. As I'm a bit older and some could say ancient I don't sit down and play games for 8-10 hours a day. Typically I play games with my young son or friends and it's a handful of hours per week. Still, I have games I'd consider "forever games" that I'll come back to over and over through the years like Link's Awakening or Secret of Mana and I'm always looking for other games to add to that the "forever list." I think Nintendo World Championship: NES Edition may be a forever game in that it mashes up some of the best NES games in a way that makes it really fun to compete with your friends.

World Championships is so good I think I agree with other reviewers in that a bit more to it would make it even better. I'm not sure it would take a lot and I'd appreciate more long form races through games like Zelda like a category where you raced through the whole game or started the game through a few dungeons or race through a hard dungeon with minimal items.

As a fan of the 3DS Remix game I'm happy Nintendo carried the series over to World Championships. Hopefully there are free updates that come later that adds more, I'd love one update that turns off the crowd cheering, it's really distracting and I'd prefer the normal audio anyway. Also, if Nintendo is reading this and they are absolutely not I'd totally buy a Super Nintendo World Championship game so... you know, make that one too.

In a follow up to the incredible Link's Awakening Remake of 2019, Nintendo is back with The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom! Looks like the game starts where the Zelda games typically end with a big boss fight with Gannon, but this time Link is taken out of the picture and Zelda is the one that needs to save the day. The graphics and gameplay look similar to the Link's Awakening Remake, which I am very happy to see. Will Nintendo release a new top down Zelda Adventure every handful of years? I hope so.

The Switch Link's Awakening Remake is such a classic in my house that my son and I are playing through it right now. Will Echoes of Wisdom be as good? I hope so.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom will release on Nintendo Switch this September 26th!
