CodeParade, the creator of the non-Euclidean geometry game Hyperbolica (I *highly* recommend checking out his videos on that game) is now experimenting with building a game in 4D.
This video is a fun breakdown on what a 4D game could look like and talks about some of the attempts at building 4D games already.
I love thinking about higher dimensions, so this was right up my alley. Hopefully you find it interesting too!
This video is a fun breakdown on what a 4D game could look like and talks about some of the attempts at building 4D games already.
I love thinking about higher dimensions, so this was right up my alley. Hopefully you find it interesting too!

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Interesting and yet it feels over my head. It certainly puts "playing 4D chess" into perspective, I guess, LOL. I don't think the guy explained what the 4th dimension is. The quote I said previously is a joke, but IRL is the 4th dimension time? I'm just now Googling some stuff and it all still looks over my head. Math was always a weakness of mine and physics wasn't something I ever studied.
I'm definitely not an expert, but I think that even though time is referred to as the 4th dimension, it's not the same thing as a physical 4th dimension (like another up/down, left/right, forward/back space).
If you're interested, I highly recommend a book called Flatland that kinda helps with an analogy of what higher physical dimensions might be perceived by us :)
Sounds interesting! A Google search is showing up some helpful resources. I see videos of Carl Sagan.
Rad :)