General Discussion

Released on February 28, 2012 by Cheerful Ghost

Developed by Cheerful Ghost

The place for conversation that doesn't make sense to talk about in any specific game in our list. Think of General Discussion as a "catch all" for conversations about gaming, game culture or anything else worth sharing.
Sony is emailing today that there will be a "big announcement" about the PS4 at their E3 presentation. You can live stream it...

There is also a teaser trailer showing an out of focus black box...

See what I did there, with the word within words? I know... *sigh

The first time I got to play Card Hunter was at PAX Prime last year, and it was a polished treat. Turn-based, tactical RPG, designed as a board game, but played in your browser. It runs on Flash, and it's silky smooth. The team at Blue Manchu have been in closed beta since January this year, and are currently accepting beta applications.

I love the digitization of physical board games, but only when developed with great care. Card Hunter isn't a physical game (yet, I'm assuming), but it has that same tangible presence. The hand drawn, 3-Dimensional game pieces, and the pen & paper... Read All
Kotaku released some very detailed images of Wolfenstein World Order. They look great and one image of a robot dog thing kind of reminds me of the mousers from Ninja Turtles, it might just be me though. :D

Crawl is a interesting and free new Minecraft meets Legend of Grimrock style game. You play a physician put into someone's mind to help treat trauma thus proving that geek minds really are a maze of dungeons.

Chucklefish is now publishing the new 2D sidescrolling rouge-like "Risk of Rain." Interesting to see the Starbound team take on the role of... Read All
I'll admit, I am a sucker for free stuff. Not that free is always good mind you, but the price is right. Recently I stumbled across a game site that catalogs all the good free games on PC called Freeware Games. I wanted to share it with you because I had forgotten about some of the games on the list and I know some of you somewhat new to PC gaming and might want to try a few games on the list.

Some awesome games of notes:

Black Mesa(The Fan Recreation of the original Half-Life.), CaveStory, Super Mario Bros. X, Team Fortress 2, The Original Grand Theft Auto, DOTA 2, League of Legends, Dwarf Fortress, Lord of the Rings Online, Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall & Kings... Read All

Back this on Kickstarter!
Are you in Portland? We're going to do a live show at the PRGE! We need help to do it! I won't be obnoxious about this but consider helping out!
It's been joked about for years that Steam is a game in and of itself-- much like Pokemon, you gotta catch em all. They had little contests around the major sales that helped support this claim, but now that's being kicked up a notch.

Currently in beta, Steam Trading Cards are virtual cards you earn while playing Steam games. Once you collect a set, you can turn them into a profile badge (like the "Pillar of the Community" badge from one of last year's sales) that will get you virtual items and XP toward your Steam level. Leveling up earns you other virtual items. Also, you can win coupons for other games, which is what's driving my interest.

It looks interesting. Steam... Read All

Uber recently posted a livestream about the upcoming Planetary Annihilation. They talk about the game and show it off if you were interested in how it was shaping up!

To celebrate 25 years of Mega Man, Platinumfungi built a special tricked out backlit NES with the Blue Bombers theme.

Gamestop won't take any more PS2 trade-ins after June 1st. My only question is why they take them now, surely the used market on the PS2 is lessened or is it now a retro system?
I'm going through a bit of a gaming funk. I honestly think I blame Bioshock Infinite for that a little bit for setting the bar too high. I just can't seem to get into any game I try to play these days.

So I ask you. What is your favorite game of all time? And please elaborate on why it's your favorite. I'll then start going down the list, playing each of your favorites that I can get access to. Even if I've just played it recently I'll replay it. I'll try to get the original version of anything that's been remade, and avoid emulators when possible to recreate the original experience. I also invite you all to join in the fun and play these with me, then we can have a... Read All

Back this on Kickstarter!
"Ray’s the Dead is a game where YOU are the leader of the zombie army. It’s story driven gameplay will challenge you with a satisfying blend of action, tactics, puzzle, stealth, and adventure, all rolled into one fresh gaming experience. Sneak, smash, laugh, and moan your way through the last hurrah of the 1980’s as you take on the role of Ray, the newly risen zombie."

I like the idea of controlling a Zombie army and using it strategically to overcome challenges. Kind of cringed when I saw a Zombie bite a guys face but then again.... it was stylized cuteness :D

There are some great games on this list!

I'm a little disappointed Bill Lambeer's Combat Basketball was left off the list though lol.