General Discussion

Released on February 28, 2012 by Cheerful Ghost

Developed by Cheerful Ghost

The place for conversation that doesn't make sense to talk about in any specific game in our list. Think of General Discussion as a "catch all" for conversations about gaming, game culture or anything else worth sharing.
Robot Loves Kitty, the amazing awesome factory that created Legend of Dungeon and other Indie hits is organizing the The Greenlight Supershow. This all day Twitch stream will feature a ton of awesome indie games currently on Steam Greenlight. Featuring such radery as Chasm, Ray's The Dead, Castaway, Broforce, McPixel, Delvers Drop & More this event is a must watch.

You can join the Cheerful Ghost event and add it to your calendar for a helpful reminder of when it happens and where to go.
Recently vgleaks dropped the news that Sony's Playstation 4 dev kits run a version of FreeBSD 9 called Orbis. In the included screenshots on vgleaks they show the GRUB bootloader offering a few boot choices with Orbis included.

For all of you that are not the most geekily inclined, FreeBSD is a Open Source version of Unix that is an ancestor of Mac OSX. What that means is that Sony's Orbis, Mac OSX and Linux share a very similar Unix core. Since they all rely on OpenGL and the like it could mean an easier time for games to be ported across these three platforms.

I know that just because a company brings a game to the PS4 that doesn't mean they care about Linux or MacOS.... Read All
The Steam Summer sale is coming up and the sale is happening right now. I am wondering what you are planning on picking up or what you have purchased already?

Personally I want to get Don't Starve, Prison Architect, Far Cry 3 + Blood Dragon & Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic as its now out on the Mac on Steam. Most excited about Don't Starve and Prison Architect being on sale.

Mario + The Roots. How could this be bad?

"We have recently been sent a copy of the original Jira archive data, which has provided unprecedented access to the entire project tracker. Other listings in the data files for known and unknown projects include "Stars of Blood", "Return to Ravenholm", "Episode 3"/"Episode 3 Movie", "Hardware" / "Hardware Core", "SteamMMO" / "SteamMMO Core" and "F-Stop". "

Could be all made up fakery or the real deal. Either way, fun to speculate.

PS Jira is a popular ticket tracking and development web app for software development.
Kotaku is reporting that Microsoft is back peddling on their DRM restrictions. Original article:

According to the article these are the following changes:
No more always online requirement
The console no longer has to check in every 24 hours
All game discs will work on Xbox One as they do on Xbox 360
Authentication is no longer necessary
An Internet connection is only required when initially setting up the console
All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline
No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs
Region locks have been dropped
The other day I picked up Junk Jack on iOS after hearing it was a good Terraria clone for the iPhone. After playing it a bit I didn't really see the appeal. The last mobile game I played quite a bit of was Spaceward Ho on the iPhone.

I am interested in checking out interesting Mobile games but don't find the iTunes top rated games to be interesting enough to warrant an install, even the free ones. Because of that, I am wondering if you have been playing anything you might recommend?
GOGcom is launching is summer sale with a pretty impressive lineup including giving away Torchlight for free for the next 48 hours.

Lots of retro and indie titles marked down and worth checking out.


A few games you should nab while you can:

RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe

RollerCoaster Tycoon plus both expansions and the game score. Only $2.99 with no DRM. Holee shit this is a great deal.

More information is coming to light about Duck Tales Remastered with E3 game footage. The game will be released on Steam, 360, PS3 later this year, "Woo oooh!"

This just in the "hmmmm" category, it seems the World of Warcraft Movie has started filming. I am curious to see how Thrall and company translate to the big screen.

If you are a game developer and are having a hard time coming up with a game name, let this website do all the work for you. Because "Star Wars Manlove of the Blood God"... Read All
After launching Cheerful Ghost over a year ago I have been very happy with how the site has taken shape, most notably with how awesome it is to play and talk about video games with everyone. The site focuses on the games we love so we can talk about and schedule events with our friends.

One thing I wanted to do soon after I launched site Memberships is design and print some cool Cheerful Ghost swag to hand out to Members as a thank you for supporting the site. It may have happened much later than I anticipated but I am happy to finally announce..

The Cheerful Ghost Pack

The Cheerful Ghost Pack is a collection of all new Cheerful Ghost swag that will be shipped for free... Read All