I was excited many months ago when WhiteBoySlim told me about Skywind. "It is a non-commercial, fan made modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that seeks to merge the amazing world of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind with the enhanced graphics and capabilities of Skyrim's engine." (Source: SkyWind FAQ)
While I have played Morrowind and own two copies of the game, I have not yet completed it. It wasn't until I played Skyrim that I got into The Elder Scrolls series. I am excited about this project and am eagerly awaiting its release. While this mod was publicly available, it currently is not.
For more information, please visit the links below.
News source: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ambitious-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-and-morrowind/1100-6426132/
SkyWind FAQ: https://tesrenewal.com/skywind-faq
SkyWind YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwMeA6uYyXr7N11tgBXnn8Q
While I have played Morrowind and own two copies of the game, I have not yet completed it. It wasn't until I played Skyrim that I got into The Elder Scrolls series. I am excited about this project and am eagerly awaiting its release. While this mod was publicly available, it currently is not.
For more information, please visit the links below.
News source: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ambitious-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-and-morrowind/1100-6426132/
SkyWind FAQ: https://tesrenewal.com/skywind-faq
SkyWind YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwMeA6uYyXr7N11tgBXnn8Q

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I'm excited about skywind. But ultimately its gonna be the same thing as these other big mods. Its gonna fall through the cracks. Or never get completed. If you want the best morrowind experience currently you can download the MSGO 3.0 mod and get tamriel rebuilt. But still. I hear people getting excited for skywind for all the wrong reasons. I'm excited to see vvardenfell with this engine. But its not going to be morrowind. Its not going to be the game.
Its funny. My website just started a podcast about morrowind. Spawned largely due to hype over skywind. Which, don't get me wrong, I will play. But morrowind is still the best. And they aren't going to be able to recreate it just right.
I haven't checked out any mods for any TES game. I do realize Skywind won't exactly be Morrowind or even a visually upgraded version, but I'm still hoping it gets completed and looking forward to it. The only TES games I've played are Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim and I think Morrowind is the more difficult one. I ended up buying armor at the beginning and it lasted me for quite a while. I was hoping and expecting to find something better. I can't really recall which races I've played because I've tried a few different ones at least. Some of the quests need certain skills, which I thought made it more difficult. I imagine eventually I'll try again.
I'm glad to see you and others (in other posts) rave about Morrowind and therefore have a strong like for it. Unfortunately, I don't like it as much as Oblivion and Skyrim (both of which I love absolutely). Perhaps that's because I started out on Skyrim. When I play Morrowind it's like I'm looking backwards at an older game with dated graphics. It's kind of like my Diablo experience. I started with D3:Reaper of Souls. I found the D2 Battle Chest at KMart a year or more ago for about $2. I picked it up and tried to play it, but came across that same "dated" hurdle. Of course, I don't believe every game has to have awesome graphics like Skyrim and I know those older games were/are great for the time they were released.
Itbdoes feel dated at times. I would really suggest the MSGO 3.0 mod kit. It honestly makes morrowind look like skyrim on my computer. Although I can't run skyrim on much more then medium graphics. It will still feel a little clunky. And scripted compared to skyrim. But I feel it really brings the game up to speed. Made me enjoy it again. And I'm really a purist about these sorts of things. They make the pack very easy to download and install.
I do love skyrim and oblivion to death. But morrowind is a sandbox. That's the only reason I still play. Haha.
You shouldn't feel bad for looking back and not loving these games like they should. I mean d2 is great. But really the ones that rave have put 2k hours into it and probably still play. Lololol
Ok, I'll have to check that out, hopefully I'll remember. Thank you very much for the mod suggestion. I'm running a year old Alienware PC, which I paid a lot for. So, I can play Skyrim on ultra settings.
Honestly, I can't say which I love more, Skyrim or Oblivion. Those games were love at first play for me. I can agree with you about Morrowind being a sandbox, since it has a construction set. Skyrim seems to fit that as well since you can craft houses. It seems to me that Morrowind was a bit more open-world and therefore the completion of quests seemed more open. Skyrim and Oblivion seemed to have more of a story to them and were more focused on those main quests, even though you could still run away from the main quest line and do others.
Thanks for understanding my point of view on those older games. I'm sure I probably would have appreciated them (Morrowind, Diablo 2, and others) if I had played them closer to their release dates. I'm also aware that Morrowind came out on the original XBox, which I have, so that is tempting to try. Many years ago a friend gave me set of CDs that came with something he got. Morrowind was included in that set (along with the construction set), but I didn't play it for a long time (less than 100 hours I'm sure). It was still a bit dated when I received it, I think. I did decide to get the game on Steam because I was missing the expansion packs.
Morrowind is kind of funny, in a way, because of one of the attribute that increases by jumping. So, when I play the game, I tend to jump all the time until that skill is maxed. Hahaha. I also spent a lot of time on the wiki researching how to complete many of the quests.
What is your favorite kind of character to play in Morrowind (race/class). I pretty much go with some kind of warrior type. However, it seems that this isn't a great idea in Morrowind because many of the quests seem to require magical skills. Since playing Oblivion, I've decided to play Imperial characters. Although, my first Skyrim character, on the PS3, was a Nord. My second, on the PC, was an Imperial and I therefore played the game differently than I had on the PS3 (meaning I allied with a different side).
I'm glad we're having this conversation and I hope others join in. Thanks for the comments!
I just got MSGO 3.0 installed and the game looks so much better! Thanks!
Yes! Glad to hear it man. If you ever want to talk morrowind or have questions. Let me know.
As far as your question about what type of character I play. I've always been partial to argonians in every game. And find myself playing them a lot. But in morrowind I have done every race. Every class for every race. And of course there are going to be some that work better than others just because of a races inherent skill bonuses.
But if I'm want to make a BAMF character I usually find myself going dark elf. Cuz their skills encourage a balanced character with weaopon and armor skills. As well as magic. And magic in morrowind is where a lot of the fun comes in. With spell creation and item enchanting. And potion making. There is no limit to the things you can do. And it makes things very fun once you figure it out. And you can try things just because.
That sounds like a good idea, going with a Dark Elf. I've tried that race before in Morrowind. It seems like a good one since many of the quests in the game require magic. That was an issue I ran into a few times. Since I got the mod installed and tested, I'll jump back in and play as much of it as I can.
i did complete most of the game the first time without any magic. however, it does make things sometimes easier, and more direct. but in my experience there is always a way without magic.