A trailer for the much anticipated movie, Godzilla Vs. Kong has been released and it's AWESOME, so I thought I'd share it with you. If you're a fan, you definitely should check it out. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! I'm going to share some thoughts (and other videos) with you now. I don't know what's going to happen in the movie, so I don't have any spoilers for it, but I do have some possible spoilers for other Godzilla movies below. I've also included some ideas about what might happen along with some other videos you should check out, if you're interested.

I'm a big fan of Godzilla. I remember seeing the original Godzilla Vs. Kong sometime in or before my teens. I remember falling in love with the 1998 version of Godzilla. I saw that movie so many times! The ending really did make me very sad. I loved the soundtrack, too, well to be more precise, I LOVED Green Day's Godzilla version of "Brain Stew," which included Godzilla's lovely (in my opinion) roar. I also loved the Wallflower's cover of "Heroes" by David Bowie. I did not, however, like the Puff Daddy song that "sampled" the song "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin.

I have recently complete watched (and in some cases rewatched) every Godzilla movie. I also watched the 1998 animated series. I have some thoughts on that and they're negative, but I don't plan to share them here unless you'd like to know. Doing so made rewatching Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which came out in 2019 a bit better (though I already loved it). This gave me a better background on all the "kaiju" (Japanese for "monster or beast") and helped certain pieces of music stand out. For instance, I definitely heard the music that always plays when Godzilla is spotted and comes ashore. I also definitely heard the music that always plays when the military has a plan to defeat Godzilla and the battle begins. However, in that movie this music played when the military was helping Godzilla, not fighting against it.

I recently watched a trailer breakdown from New Rockstars (https://youtu.be/cYnQa5I3Agk). It was good, though I think Erik Voss stated that Kong's new weapon handle was made from a tree, but to me it clearly looks like a bone. I also watched another from Dangerville (https://youtu.be/WWVPyE4HPQg). If you're really into Godzilla and the like, Dangerville is a channel you definitely want to check out!

From what I've seen (not limited to what I've posted here), it seems that Godzilla is acting abnormally. In the previous movie or movies, Godzilla was human-friendly. You could tell this by the fact that it would swim around and under ships, but in this new movie, Godzilla clearly doesn't care as he runs right through a ship and destroys more. So, what's going on? The humans are definitely shipping Kong some where, is it to a destination to fight Godzilla? They are definitely rivals, as the movies make clear, but if so, then why does Godzilla attack Kong before he even makes landfall? One theory I've seen in the videos I've mentioned and others is that MechaGodzilla is involved. It's possible that someone is controlling MechaGodzilla and maybe that's why Godzilla's acting so aggressively. I even heard that maybe humans found a way to make MechaGodzilla look like Godzilla, perhaps by hologram imaging. They'd disguise MechaGodzilla an attack do something to Kong to make him attack the real Godzilla. If that were true, though, then why do we see what looks like MechaGodzilla in one or two shots of the trailer? Who knows. We'll just have to wait and see, but it's good to know that this movie is coming out this year. I believe, like everything else, it was delayed last year due to COVID.

Anyway, please feel free to share your thoughts on this!

jdodson   Admin wrote on 01/28/2021 at 04:05am

Promoting to main. This trailer is awesome!

Azurephile   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 01/28/2021 at 04:13am


jdodson   Admin wrote on 01/29/2021 at 03:10am

One sad moment in my history is when I got rid of a Godzilla VHS movie pack. I didn't quite know I'd collect VHS later in life but mark that as a sore memory. That pack had some good entries including Son of Godzilla.

I've heard the last Godzilla film, King of Monsters wasn't great BUT if you want an incredible monster movie you need to check out Kong Skull Island. It came out in 2017 and it's campy in all the right places and great in all the right places. HOPEFULLY Godzilla VS. Kong is a lot more like Skull Island!

Azurephile   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 01/29/2021 at 05:46am

I didn't like Son of Godzilla. Along w/ the Godzilla movies and show I watched or re-watched (as stated in my post), King Kong movies were among them as well. I've probably seen Kong Skull Island nearly 3 times now. I really enjoyed the modern Godzilla movies. I liked King of Monsters, perhaps especially because other titans were involved. My only disappointment that I can think of is that I didn't notice the music or sound that plays for each titan. They all have their own unique signature sound at the very least, but that seemed to be missing almost entirely, with Godzilla being the exception. I don't want to see Godzilla and Kong fight (again), but I'll definitely watch this movie and I imagine I'll probably love it.

Will_Ball   Game Mod   Super Member wrote on 01/29/2021 at 07:02am

Needs more man in rubber suit

Azurephile   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 02/12/2021 at 05:38pm
jdodson   Admin wrote on 02/13/2021 at 04:15am

Awesome, that’s pretty close now! I’ll have to watch skull island again.

Azurephile   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 02/13/2021 at 11:43am

There's a Skull Island Netflix series coming, along w/ an anime called Godzilla Singular Point. If you want to see more info about these, check out the Dangerville channel on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DangerVille/videos

jdodson   Admin wrote on 02/14/2021 at 05:19am

Whoa, awesome!

Azurephile   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 02/17/2021 at 06:12am

New teaser! I watched a video on Dangerville recently that covered this, but I didn't see one shot that I thought was cool. It seems that shot was in what Japan got for trailer/teaser footage. Apparently fans noticed that Kong was doing all the hitting in the trailer, but in the Japanese one, I saw Godzilla bitch slap Kong. LOL

Check out the new teaser: https://youtu.be/J-FjUN0O61k

Azurephile   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 03/25/2021 at 06:59pm

After checking with some sources, confused as to why my local theater wasn't playing the movie tomorrow, it seems the movie has been delayed to 3/31/21 (which is supported by the fact that that is when the movie is playing in my local theater).

jdodson   Admin wrote on 03/25/2021 at 07:49pm

Yeah, seems like everything is getting pushed back. Hopefully with a large vaccine rollout we can go back to theaters soon.

Azurephile   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 04/01/2021 at 03:24am

I just got back from the movie. I thought it was really good, but I'm a big Godzilla fan, so I may have some bias. I was only minorly disappointed. One of those disappointments relates to a potential spoiler, so I won't spell it out here. It's not something regarding the plot, just the look of something. I was also disappointed not to hear Godzilla's theme when we see him, but I later realized this isn't a TOHO movie (the original studio that created Godzilla). It would have been nice if they had a bigger hand in this, because I think Godzilla's music is awesome and powerful (kind of like the modern day Wonder Woman's music). Godzilla doesn't have his signature roar either, but that shouldn't be a surprise as this movie is part of a series (the modern Godzilla movies & Skull Island), meaning he pretty much sounds just like he has in the most recent movies. As I said, it was a Legendary production, not TOHO, so I think that makes sense why these audio elements were left out. It's not that Godzilla doesn't have a roar, it's just that it's not what it usually is. I went in afraid of being disappointed with the outcome, but that didn't happen, so keep your expectations in check and I'm sure you won't be disappointed either. I could go into more, but I don't want to spoil things, so if anyone wants to talk about this, let me know and I'll create a forum post so I can hide the spoilers from others. Oh and don't waste your time during the credits, there is no post-credits scene.

jdodson   Admin wrote on 04/01/2021 at 06:07pm

You went to the theater to see this? Awesome. I’m scheduled for my vaccine next week so when all of that resolves I might head back!

Azurephile   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 04/01/2021 at 07:55pm

Yeah, I did. I decided to do it, because the movie was supposed to come out on Vinny's 17th birthday. We've been to the movies 2 or 3 times before (the newest Star Wars trilogy and I don't know if we saw the 2nd movie in that series together). I wanted to share that experience with him again. We both enjoyed the movie and I was impressed with how much he knew about Godzilla/Kong lore. Later I asked him about this and he said he read stuff online and watched some YouTube videos. I'd be happy to share my opinion with you after you see the movie and see your thoughts about it, too.

I'm also scheduled for my first dose vaccine next week.

Azurephile   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 04/06/2021 at 05:43am

New Rockstars has a new video pointing out some things about the movie. If you want to watch it, beware it contains spoilers, so after you've seen the movie, you can check it out here: https://youtu.be/tdhIBsoLf54 But, I just wanted to say that Erik Voss pointed out that the Godzilla TOHO theme does play when we see Godzilla, but to me it doesn't sound like what I've grown used to hearing, so I thought it was missing. It is a really good movie and I totally recommend watching it. I recommend watching Kong: Skull Island, Godzilla (2014), and Godzilla: King of the Monsters before watching this one, though. This movie directly connects to those and they're all made by Legendary Entertainment, which is a company I strongly favor. Obviously Kong: Skull Island introduces us to Kong and Godzilla (2014) introduces us to the most modern Godzilla, which is followed up with what you could call a sequel, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and all of that leads us here. Both monsters do get their appearances changed. For instance, Kong has grown to match Godzilla's size and there were other modifications to Godzilla since the 2014 movie (like his dorsal plates now look more like the original TOHO Godzilla). The CG was really awesome and probably my favorite part of Godzilla was that his dorsal fins and his atomic blast are blue. It was difficult for me to resist by thing Godzilla action figure in Wal-Mart, but I ultimately did resist.

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