Tesla Effect is the forthcoming sixth installment in the Tex Murphy series of adventures. Tesla Effect provides closure to a "To Be Continued..." promise made to fans 15 years ago.
In this interview with the Gameological Society (http://gameological.com/2013/09/interview-tex-murphy-creators/), Chris Jones and Aaron Conners talk about bringing Tex Murphy and company back to the fans. At one point, there was a consideration of making a casual version of the series, which neither felt would do justice to the series.
If you never played Under a Killing Moon, The Pandora Directive or Overseer, you missed some of the best gaming created for the adventure genre. On par with classics like The Dig and Broken Sword, the Tex Murphy series' clever dialogue, puzzles and story combined for an incredible gaming experience.
In this interview with the Gameological Society (http://gameological.com/2013/09/interview-tex-murphy-creators/), Chris Jones and Aaron Conners talk about bringing Tex Murphy and company back to the fans. At one point, there was a consideration of making a casual version of the series, which neither felt would do justice to the series.
If you never played Under a Killing Moon, The Pandora Directive or Overseer, you missed some of the best gaming created for the adventure genre. On par with classics like The Dig and Broken Sword, the Tex Murphy series' clever dialogue, puzzles and story combined for an incredible gaming experience.