Edge Of Existence

Released on December 15, 2017 by RealFire Interactive

Developed by RealFire Interactive

Edge Of Existence. Is a throw back to the Classics of RTS where you can build up your base and build up your massive army. Ranging from Ground units , Air Units and Sea Units. We also take you on a story base RTS where a faction has a meaning to the map or why its in-game. We are a balance focus on PvP, PvE and Story/Campaign. We don't want focus on the PvP Competitive or ESports side of things. Since i feel like RTS games are ment for Story and Campaign. We also understand that alot of players don't even want to PvP so they expect great PvE so we hope to have the right Balance between all those 3 core gameplays. We want make a RTS thats plays from the Classics but has the Graphics of New Gens for the players that haven't experienced the great RTS games we had in the pass.

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