General Discussion

Released on February 28, 2012 by Cheerful Ghost

Developed by Cheerful Ghost

The place for conversation that doesn't make sense to talk about in any specific game in our list. Think of General Discussion as a "catch all" for conversations about gaming, game culture or anything else worth sharing.
Today marks the second anniversary of launching When I think about two years it seems like it's been a lot longer. It's hard to remember a time when Cheerful Ghost wasn't a big part of my life, but I guess I can only attribute that to the fact that I love doing it so much. During our second year we made some pretty important changes to the site. We made interviews a first class item, added the event system and just six months ago started The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable.

That said, the coolest part about the last two years is playing video games and talking about them with you all. Playing Left 4 Dead, Terraria, Diablo III, Starcraft 2 & FTL with... Read All

I recently watched an interesting video by Crossroads Reviews where a charge was made that Nintendo needs to change. Nintendo has been in the news recently for the Wii U failing to attract market share and many have opined that Nintendo needs to adapt or it will die. While I don't hold that Nintendo is in that much trouble, they don't seem to be making choices that keep with the current gaming zeitgeist. Then again, Nintendo seems to dominate the handheld space.

What do you think, is Nintendo in need of some serious change? Do you think they can make the Wii U a success with gamers?

The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable Season 2 Episode 1 is upon us and as always we bring the video game talk.

Show notes & time-codes so you can skip to what you want to hear.

What we have been playing

  • 1.49m : Grand Theft Auto 5 / Online

  • 4.50m : Assassin's Creed IV / Liberation

  • 5.30m : Elder Scrolls Oblivion

  • 5.50m : GTA Online Cheerful Ghost Online Crew

  • 9.15m : Bioshock Infinite

  • 9.55m : NW Expo Game Event / Gameboy Games / Pokemon

  • 11.50m : Shovel Knight Releases March 31st

  • 13.05m : Starcraft 2 releases more as Free to Play

Valve Showcases New Steam Machines at CES

  • 16:25m : Gabes CES Steam Machine Unveiling

  • 22.25m : Are Steam Machines Going to Flop?

  • 28.46m : Are Walled... Read All

The video showcased above it titled "Why Comcast's 300GB Data Cap is Bad for Gaming" and the subtext is "An explanation of how Comcast's 300GB data cap is bad for me, you, and pretty much everyone else in the whole wide world."

A few things before I talk about data caps. First off, the video creator notes that Comcast(the ISP in question) mentions that the majority of it's user base doesn't go over 20G of monthly data. So the assertion that a data cap is bad for everyone seems a bit off. That said, the overall concept of the video is correct, data caps are not a good thing and I do want them to go away.

I haven't paid for cable TV ever and don't plan to so having a... Read All

If you have seen the Pulp Fiction film I recommend you watch the video above. Fun to see how the game might play out on the NES. I particularly liked how it went to a Dance, Dance Revolution type game with the club dancing scene. My only quip with the video is that Dick Dale's "Misirlou" doesn't really translate well to 8-bit.
According a few developer attendees at Valve's Developer Days Conference the new Steam Controller is dropping the touch screen in favor of physical buttons. From the image it looks like a standard D-pad layout and ABXY layout.

I know touch is the new craze but the physical buttons seem like a good move. What do you think, do you like the new buttons or would you prefer a touchscreen?


Looks like Steam Machines will also support up to 16 controllers. Too bad, I was looking forward to 32 player game parties. Oh well.

... Read All

"We all know that Minecraft is huge! The overwhelming success of Minecraft undoubtedly surprised a lot of people given it's lo-fi graphics, fully open environment, and goal-less play. Yet, it has sold 33 million copies, and it's not just individual players who love it: it's in schools, and even the UN! The game's distinct qualities have made it a massive hit and critical darling, so you'd think it would have spawned tons of imitators. But it hasn't and we wondered why? Maybe the reason is that Minecraft isn't just a new game, but an actual paradigm-shifting invention!! Is this the case?"

As always a great video from Game/Show to start off 2014, that said I take a few... Read All
After reading the Steam Developer Days agenda my desire to go to the event rose considerably. I hope the video from the talks is posted online because I would love to watch them all.

I do know of someone who is attending and I plan on talking with them about it. So I have that going for me, which is nice.

Pillow Castle Games, a student team from Carnegie Mellon, has developed a tech demo for a puzzle game that can't come out soon enough.

The basics are pretty straight-forward. Forced perspective mechanics allow you to resize objects in a very intriguing way. But it gets far more complex when portals are introduced. The portals are also resizable and let you essentially grow or shrink the entire world.

This 8 minute video makes me want more. I wouldn't be surprised if an established company tried to hire the members of Pillow Castle in the same way Valve hired the Narbacular Drop team to make Portal. Wherever they end up, I can't wait to play the finished product.

"As a new year begins, and with 5 very successful years in the digital gaming market, takes a look at its past."

I dig GOG's style as a company and wish them a happy 5 more years. It's a really easy site to navigate and when you find the game you want to buy, it's available DRM free. Many titles come with digital art, game book PDF's and the game score which makes buying from GOG special. One of the reasons I picked up the Neverwinter Nights collection from GOG was to finally have Jeremy Soule's amazing score in my collection as I couldn't find it from any other source.