General Discussion

Released on February 28, 2012 by Cheerful Ghost

Developed by Cheerful Ghost

The place for conversation that doesn't make sense to talk about in any specific game in our list. Think of General Discussion as a "catch all" for conversations about gaming, game culture or anything else worth sharing.
The new model seems to address some of the complaints people had with the last version. There are now traditional buttons next to the touch pads.

I was worried with how some games would work with the new controller, but at the same time I was looking forward to seeing how the strange and unique layout would work for PC games that, by default, only use mouse and keyboard.

So good and bad, I suppose. I'm still intrigued by it and can't wait to get my hands on it.

More details at Ars:
So I'm still getting the hang of all things Steam, and last night I realized I could sell my steam cards! I listed about 50 of them, most for about $0.05, but some more and some less(there's a handy pricing graph, so you can see what has sold for what price). I woke up this morning to find 35 emails from Steam, one for each card sold lol. So far I've made $2.29. Not a ton, but it's free money!

"Videogames generally suck when it comes to storytelling. Their stories are often ineffective, clumsy, or just plain unnecessary. And so many cutscenes!!! We're disengaged, and it breaks our immersion. WE want to play the game, not have it told to us. Enter Dark Souls: the plot may seem threadbare, but when you dig in, whole new backstories and depth begin to emerge as you interact with the things you find. Is this the future of storytelling? Or should games even be TRYING to tell stories?"

This episode of Game/Show is pretty interesting as it brings up a point that was made in a recent Cheerful Ghost Roundtable, typically games contain pretty bad stories. Jamin talks... Read All
Valve has pulled code straight from the belly of the beast (by which I mean DOTA2) to bring ToGL to the world. ToGL is a translation layer to convert Direct3D code to OpenGL.

The code is being released as-is, and isn't necessarily ready for prime-time, but it can hopefully be used by other game developers to bring their D3D-only code into the OpenGL world, enabling future porting to Linux.

This is great news for the gaming community looking to get a Steam Machine, and obviously a good decision for Valve. It's nice to see a developer contributing back to the community with good code. I hope to see more games building on this to expand the Steam Linux library, as I'm... Read All
"During presentations and hands-on demos at Crytek's GDC booth, attendees can see for the first time ever full native Linux support in the new CRYENGINE. The CRYENGINE all-in-one game engine is also updated with the innovative features used to recreate the stunning Roman Empire seen in Ryse – including the brand new Physically Based Shading render pipeline, which uses real-world physics simulation to create amazingly realistic lighting and materials in CRYENGINE games."

Valve should be letting us know the publishers that will be coming to SteamOS soon and I hope this signal from the Cryengine folks is a recipe of what is to come. The Cryengine powers games such as:... Read All
Curious to hear what everyone has been playing lately? I haven't really been playing anything specific and hope to hear something interesting that I can dig into.

"NPCs (non-playable characters) are a massively important part of the gaming experience, so we thought we'd show our love and appreciation. Though they're fictional computer-generated characters, we often develop real feelings for these beings. Sure, they serve functional roles, guiding you through the game. But their presence and personality can allow us to form strong bonds and real emotions, leading us to truly care about their wellbeing. So which NPCs are our favorites?"

What NPC's have stuck with you over time?

Nintendo will be shuttering online play for its Wii and DS games on May 20th. They are keeping online game support for the Wii U and 3DS however. Whereas I wasn't a huge consumer of the Wii online play, I did use it and find it say they are shuttering it.

Nintendo generally does right by its customers, but this is a bit disappointing. I understand it's impossible to keep a service going forever but in the face of companies like Blizzard still providing support for Starcraft, one wonders why everyone can't do the same thing.

There are rumblings that Nintendo farmed out the online functionality to Gamespy and that this has to due with a recent acquisition of... Read All
Take The Matrix in one hand. In your second hand take Second Life. In your third hand take World of Warcraft.

Now mash them all together. Oh, and mix in some ALF.

This is the world of Ready Player One.

It’s 2044, and Earth has become practically inhospitable, but people don’t seem to mind because they all live in OASIS (Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory-Immersive Simulation), a free-to-play massively multiplayer online simulation game created by James Halliday. James Halliday suddenly dies, but has left a will stating that whomever can find his Easter Egg in OASIS will inherit his wealth ($240 billion) and control of OASIS.

The book’s main character is Wade Watts,... Read All

In this episode of The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable we talk all about Gaming PC's. Build or buy, Mac or Windows, we talk about it all. At the end we discuss game pricing when I recently came to some sticker shock over $60 buy.

What We are Playing & Drinking

  • 0:45m scrypt: Kingdoms of Amalur & FTL

  • 2:45m Travis: TextMate

  • 3:25m jdodson:, Portal 2, Reus & Borderlands 2

Getting A Gaming PC in 2014

  • 8.40m What are we current running and what do we like or dislike about our setups?

  • 22:00m Building VS Buying

  • 29:15m What is the most we want to spend?

  • 36:15m Do we have any particular PC brands we like?

  • 42:00m What PC did Greg actually get?

Game Pricing... Read All