This episode of Game/Show takes some recent statistics about gamers and asks if 50% of all gamers are actually women? It's a question many have asked after the numbers were first circulated and the way he unpacks the facts is interesting. He reads a quote by Ian Bogost I found really interesting "If we are very fortunate gamers will disappear altogether and all we will have left would be people."

I found this Lego Doom photo as I was spelunking the corners of the Internet and wanted to share it with you. Before I saw this I wasn't aware how much I wanted Lego Doom. Hopefully the Lego Doom movie isn't too far away!

Azurephile gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Azurephile gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Quick review

  • Recommended (one of my most favorite Wii U games) +1

  • Many Zelda elements

  • DLC

  • Kind of short story mode on normal difficulty

  • amiibo functionality
At E3 this year, only months ago, Nintendo showed off some new games to look forward to. When it comes to E3, I pretty much always watch the Nintendo press conference and more videos about whatever they are showing off, ignoring everything else. This year's E3 wasn't really that different from other years, meaning that Nintendo got me really excited again. One of the new games they showed off was Hyrule Warriors, a combination of The Legend of Zelda and Dynasty Warriors. I've never played a Dynasty Warriors game,... Read All
In addition to officially announcing Linux support for the Pre-Sequel, today Borderlands 2 can be played on Linux.

Some DLC is still showing Windows/Mac only, but an Aspyr rep on Reddit says that it's taking some time to flag everything properly.

In addition, there's a massive sale on the game and all the DLC so if you don't have it yet, now's your chance to get it cheap!
Do you see that? That's a drill mount. This is the coolest thing I've seen so far coming up in 1.3

Recently the developers at Relogic have been dropping some hints at what we can expect from 1.3. Check out the full post here
I setup a new Steam Curation page with a few games I recommend people check out. In the future I plan on migrating awesome Steam game reviews to the page. So if you have been itching to review a cool Steam game, post it to the site and let me know about it and it may be featured on our Steam Curation page.
"Now it’s easy to listen to your music collection while you play games on Steam.

Point Steam to the MP3s on your computer, then browse your collection of albums and artists. You’ll also find your Steam Soundtracks DLC in your Steam Music library when the associated base game is installed. Listen to albums, queue up mixes, and create playlists you love, right in your Steam library. Best of all, it’s all available right within the Steam Overlay, so you can control playback without leaving your game. The Steam Music library and player consist of all the basics you need to enjoy your music without switching tasks.

Steam Music has finally shipped and it's available to... Read All
Hopefully it's not a secret to most of you that back in the day, I had a thing for Warcraft 3. I loved the strategic elements, the heroes and it's non-starcraft pacing. At University I played it a lot with friends and when DoTA hit, played that as well. I generally played as the Undead or Orcs and had a pretty good build that could stand up well in a fight.

After World of Warcraft released and quickly became one of the most popular games ever, I figured that it wouldn't be too long until Warcraft 4 was released. After Starcraft 2 was announced I lost hope in a Warcraft 4 release as it didn't make sense for Blizzard to push two strategy games at once.

That said, I... Read All

"The basic goal is to recreate the original Doom and Doom 2 in the idTech4 engine with all the engine eye candy ID Software has provided us with so we can recreate the game for a classic Doom player to remember and enjoy the memories of the classics in a modernized way, but keeping the old Doom spirit well in the game."

The Doom Reborn project has just released a pre-beta version for testing so if you are interested in heading back to the original game with an updated skin, check it out.

I'll be watching this pretty closely as loved other fan recreation projects of old games like Black Mesa and Diablo Mortal Shroud.

It looks like the Oculus is getting closer and closer to being released. There's a lot in this article, so I won't copy and paste much of it.

I'm not sure if I'm thrilled with the thought of buying a VR headset from a company like FB, but really all corporations are going to be the same. Watching your habits and trying to make money off you.

That said, it would be awesome to have a Cheerful Ghost Virtual Hangout!