Studio Wildcard just released a trailer with a release date for the new DLC expansion, Extinction. It looks cool and takes us back to where it all “begins and ends” on Earth, which is hardly recognizable as it looks like something horrible happened. In the video you get to see a few new things, like a Tek creature using blink teleportation and going after a Giganotosaurus. You also get to see a huge beast, known as a Titan. There are more than one of them and apparently they’re mini-bosses. You also get to see someone using binoculars and piloting a drone.
Extinction is the last paid DLC for Ark and is included in the Season Pass. What comes next? Possibly a sequel! For now, Wildcard is slowly revealing pieces of Extinction during events titled “Extinction Chronicles.” They’ve already begun with a new “Arkaeology” Event in which they released Tek T-Rexes onto official maps that contain Rexes. There are also a few new Explorer Notes which apparently unlock a new Extinction related cosmetic helmet skin. They also created three new skins, turning a few dinos into other related dinos, such as the one that turns a Bronto into a Brachiosaur.
It’s all interesting and this DLC arrives on 11/6/18. In the meantime, Ark has been released as a free mobile game. Also, Ark is having it's "biggest sale ever on all platforms" right now.
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Extinction is the last paid DLC for Ark and is included in the Season Pass. What comes next? Possibly a sequel! For now, Wildcard is slowly revealing pieces of Extinction during events titled “Extinction Chronicles.” They’ve already begun with a new “Arkaeology” Event in which they released Tek T-Rexes onto official maps that contain Rexes. There are also a few new Explorer Notes which apparently unlock a new Extinction related cosmetic helmet skin. They also created three new skins, turning a few dinos into other related dinos, such as the one that turns a Bronto into a Brachiosaur.
It’s all interesting and this DLC arrives on 11/6/18. In the meantime, Ark has been released as a free mobile game. Also, Ark is having it's "biggest sale ever on all platforms" right now.
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Free mobile game you say? I’ll download that now!
Yes, sir! My phone sucks, so I don't think I'll download it. It doesn't look as pretty as it does on PC LOL. I'm impressed that you saw that, I guess that part does deserve its own post. But, hey, if you try it out let me know what you think of it. Tell me if it has Local (single player) mode, I'd recommend playing that one, unless you want to play with random others.