It took me multiple playthroughs to really *get* what the original BioShock was about, 'til that point all it was to me was a first person shooter with some RPG elements, a neat setting built around complex and often dark themes and a brilliant narrative twist. It wasn't until about my third playthrough that I started to look at proceedings through a more critical view. BioShock is a startling commentary on the limitations of video games as a medium and why it requires an individual to give up a certain amount of 'control' to be able to truly appreciate the nuances of this new form of art.
The above body of text is my contribution to Cheerful Ghost's "Bioshock Infinite Contest".
The above body of text is my contribution to Cheerful Ghost's "Bioshock Infinite Contest".

Thanks for entering you are now in the contest. Going to take this off the main page, but fear not, your entry will be counted!
Whew! Thanks a bunch!
No problem!