On this episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio, we talk about the Switch getting better third party support, and ponder whether the Switch is the Nintendo console of our dreams. Then, we discuss Epistle 3, the plot summary Mark Laidlaw released of what Half Life 2: Episode 3 might have been.

Will_Ball   Game Mod   Super Member wrote on 09/26/2017 at 07:04pm

Nintendo needs to release Switch's virtual console. I can't believe they didn't have this on day one. I think this is one area that they are lacking right now.

As for 3rd party games, I am hopeful that they will continue to be around in the future. Recent history has shown that 1st party games sell like mad for Nintendo consoles, while 3rd party games do not sell so well. I think time will tell on this.

As for PC games that are ported to the switch, I am all about switch versions over PC versions due to the convenience. I could get a laptop to play the games on the go, but the switch will always have the better form factor.

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