Humble is back with their 20th numbered bundle! For a measly buck, you get The First Tree, Tangledeep, and Among the Sleep.
Beat the average for Getting Over It, Tooth and Tail, and... wait what? Dream Daddy Dadrector's Cut. I'm not shocked by the premise of this game, but the name is something. Is this the first foray into romance games for Humble Bundles?
For $10 you can get all of the above games, as well as Overgrowth.
I'm so out of the loop on indie releases, none of these was even on my radar. From what I've read, however, Tangledeep is well worth the price of entry, more so if you're only spending a buck.
I've honestly been out of the bundle game for a while now, and haven't snagged one in a while. What about you? Have you bought bundles as much recently? Is this one piquing your interest?
Beat the average for Getting Over It, Tooth and Tail, and... wait what? Dream Daddy Dadrector's Cut. I'm not shocked by the premise of this game, but the name is something. Is this the first foray into romance games for Humble Bundles?
For $10 you can get all of the above games, as well as Overgrowth.
I'm so out of the loop on indie releases, none of these was even on my radar. From what I've read, however, Tangledeep is well worth the price of entry, more so if you're only spending a buck.
I've honestly been out of the bundle game for a while now, and haven't snagged one in a while. What about you? Have you bought bundles as much recently? Is this one piquing your interest?