On May 19th of this year The Phantom Menace celebrated it’s 20th anniversary so we got together to record this bombad, okeeday celebration Podcast!
Jon, Tim, and Travis are back as always, but as a special treat, our friends Rett and Taylor from Game Dev's Quest joined us to reflect on Episode I, what it means to us, and how its perception has changed over time.
And stick around to find out how well we do at discerning Star Wars character names from actual human diseases!
Game Dev's Quest is an awesome podcast about game development, and you should go listen to that now. Well... Listen to this episode and *then* go listen to Game Dev's Quest.
Jon, Tim, and Travis are back as always, but as a special treat, our friends Rett and Taylor from Game Dev's Quest joined us to reflect on Episode I, what it means to us, and how its perception has changed over time.
And stick around to find out how well we do at discerning Star Wars character names from actual human diseases!
Game Dev's Quest is an awesome podcast about game development, and you should go listen to that now. Well... Listen to this episode and *then* go listen to Game Dev's Quest.