Hey all, I recently sat down and played through Rygar on my NES. My overall review of the game is, that while fun, it is pretty easy. I feel that the lack of save game is the part that makes it most difficult. I had fun revisiting this game from a nostalgia point of view, but there are better games out there.

If you are interested in reading a more in-depth review, here is the link:

jdodson   Admin wrote on 11/01/2016 at 02:59pm

Interesting review. I played Kirbys Dream Land on Gameboy and the game is super easy and something you can beat in a handful of minutes yet I found it to be really fun. It seems Rygar is similar to that but maybe with a 2.5 out of 5 rating it wasn't as much fun?

Will_Ball   Game Mod   Super Member   Post Author wrote on 11/01/2016 at 04:25pm

I feel that nostalgia made it more fun than it actually is. If I remove that filter, I feel that it was pretty average. I would have liked to see a longer game, more variety in enemies and a more polished experience.

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