Today's Retro Tuesday is an old DOS game I loved as a kid called Fairy Godmom. It wasn't as well known as Doom or Mario Brothers but it was fun. Some games I can't forget and this was one of those games. It wasn't amazing, but it was fun and I spent many hours playing in on my old DOS machine.
Back in the day DOS systems had a few graphics layers. Basically at a certain point you had a CGA, EGA or VGA graphics card. Since we didn't have the top of the line computers for many years we have a DOS CGA computer. Many shareware games could run in CGA, EGA and VGA mode. VGA being the pinnacle of awesome computer graphics. I remember playing Commander Keen on a VGA system and...
Back in the day DOS systems had a few graphics layers. Basically at a certain point you had a CGA, EGA or VGA graphics card. Since we didn't have the top of the line computers for many years we have a DOS CGA computer. Many shareware games could run in CGA, EGA and VGA mode. VGA being the pinnacle of awesome computer graphics. I remember playing Commander Keen on a VGA system and...

I LOVE this game. In fact, I just very recently (read yesterday) discovered there was such a thing as DOSBox and that F Godmom was still out there, avoiding crabs! So, I've downloaded DOSBox and relearned the DOS commands, good grief loaded FGodmom and have been playing almost non stop since! I discovered a few videos on YouTube, but nothing for the level I'm stuck on right now. I'm so frustrated. Doesn't anyone else play this game? Anyway, I'm looking for some help. John Blackwell didn't label the levels individually when he created the game, but I know it's beyond level 11 by a few. It might be 13, 14, 15 maybe, Around in there. Going to try posting a screen shot of the opening of the level, maybe you, or someone who is as obsessive and neurotic as I can help me out. There's got to be a better way than what I'm trying. I've made a video, just in case I find someone that can help, and I've added it to my YouTube channel. PLEASE please help an old lady out here. Please??
Tried posting a screenshot, and couldn't get it to work, but here's the addy for my YouTube channel.
Hey Cathy, looks like a level I remember beating ALONG time ago but nothing comes to mind.
Good luck.