Imagine that we lived in a world so technologically advanced that you could be granted your dying wish. Even if it something impossible, you could at least have the memories of your dying wish to take with you to the next life (or whatever comes after death). What would you wish for? Fame? Riches? Glory? What about a trip to the Moon?
To The Moon is a game that does just that from Freebird Games. It's art style is primarily 8-bit with some splash art, which was originally something that turned me off about the game. But boy am I glad I could get past it.
You play as one of 2 Doctors, Niel or Eva. You work for a corporation that can influence people's memories, making...
To The Moon is a game that does just that from Freebird Games. It's art style is primarily 8-bit with some splash art, which was originally something that turned me off about the game. But boy am I glad I could get past it.
You play as one of 2 Doctors, Niel or Eva. You work for a corporation that can influence people's memories, making...

I started into this game a while back, but got distracted by something or another (probably hunger, or some pesky social activity...), so I never finished it. Thanks for the reminder! It really does look fascinating.
I think more people should play it! =)
I played through this last night - on this recommendation, as a matter of fact. I have to agree - this is worth the price of the download and 4-5 hours of your time.
The story is told with a great degree of artistry and subtlety, and I think it's actually enhanced by being told in game format (as opposed to book or movie format or somesuch). I've been thinking about it pretty much nonstop since I finished it.
If you play - and I highly recommend that you do - try to set yourself up in a distraction-free environment and play through it like it's 2 movies you want to watch back-to-back. 5 hours is a long time in front of a PC, to be sure, but I feel like if I broke it out over a few days I'd have missed some of the subtle beauties of the story.
Yes! This is the type of game you want to play in a single play through, if you have the time. And I'm glad you liked it as much as I did, CapnCurry!