I'm impressed that Double Fine is continuing to remaster classic LucasArts games. Obviously it's a pretty good business choice as they keep doing it but as a fan of Day of the Tentacle & Full Throttle I get as much joy seeing these games ported to modern systems with as seeing the original Ghostbusters rescanned and mastered in 4K, which I got and is incredible. If you must pre-order it you can do that on GOG, which seems to get an exclusive pre-order window for these old LucasArts / DoubleFine remasters.
You might not have known but Jedi Master Mark Hamill voiced the villain Adrian Ripburger in Full Throttle which should be well more than you need to check this...
You might not have known but Jedi Master Mark Hamill voiced the villain Adrian Ripburger in Full Throttle which should be well more than you need to check this...

"It's the Unknown Avenger! And he's on fire! Let's give him a hand, folks, that looks painful! We really should put him out right way, but what a show, huh?"
Needless to say I have already pre-ordered. Double Fine gets my money yet again.
Oh yeah, I forgot that part. Let me know what you think of it when it drops, I don't think i'll get it quite at launch but will pick it up.