Reviews: I recommend watching the embedded "Before You Buy" video by Gameranx. You could also double down and watch the review it received from GameSpot (, though they both pretty much say it's a good game and worth playing. It currently also has a "Very Positive" rating on Steam. If you'd like to see someone playing the first 40...

30 hour games are short now days?
I picked this up. I plan of playing it soon.
Overall, I want to support any single-player Star Wars games.
>30 hour games are short now days?
Although, I can think of other games I've played recently that lasted more than that like Monster Hunter: World and CivVI, although MHW's story mode is kind of short, there's a lot of post end game. I think I began to want my games about 100 hours back when I got into Final Fantasy games.
Well, if you're still used to playing games The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
>I picked this up. I plan of playing it soon.
Cool, I'd like to see what your thoughts are about it.
>Overall, I want to support any single-player Star Wars games.
At this point I want to support any good single-player games. In the "Before You Buy" video, they described this as dying genre, which I've been noticing a lot lately and it's really pissing me off. I hate how pretty much every game has to have some sort of multiplayer to it or content that's so hard that you pretty much cannot do it alone. I mean, it's great if you have friends to play with, but I don't have very many Steam friends and only one of them has one of these games I'm referring to (MHW). I do have a friend that has Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order though.
I'm playing it, expect a review when I'm done.
In short: More of this, please.
I don't think the hour to dollar ratio is a useful metric at all. I love Bethesda RPGs that last 250 hours and I love tightly paced 8 hour games. I think all too often you end up with a really good 10 hour game that the developer/publisher/shareholders think needs to be longer, so it gets padded with unnecessary bloat and really holds the game back.
I'd rather buy a nice $25 steak dinner than 25 McDoubles.
Plus, I work and don't feel like coming home and just pounding out video games. And I'd like to see the ending of these games and play more than two a year. Don't get me wrong, when The Elder Scrolls 6 comes out I'll probably put in 250 hours on that too. But I enjoy shorter games that don't feel daunting.
(FWIW I've seen it said that a completionist run of Jedi Fallen Order is around 20-22 hours which I think really fits the kind of game it is, akin to God of War, Tomb Raider, etc)
Good points, Travis.
I'm looking forward to your review.
I just started to play this. The in-game font could be bigger. :)
It really could. This is a common complaint about modern games but yeah. Glad I’m no longer rocking a 32 inch TV!
I have a 47 inch that I sit about 10 feet away from.
Yep, it’s still not great with a 55 inch about the same distance. But I can’t imagine people with smaller TVs managing to read it.