I wouldn't have guess that one of my most anticipated games on 2022 would be a Lego game but it's a Star Wars game so I suppose it's not too surprising. Truth is, I've played a handful of Lego Star Wars games and to date I've found some to be good and some to be not great. From the look of this, it seems developer Traveller's Tales has built an entirely new Lego Star Wars game including each movie from the Skywalker Saga and really make them look fantastic. Which is, most likely, why the game was delayed into this year because ... The Lego Skywalker Saga looks massive.
I'm not sure this game will be a day one purchase for me as I have questions about how unlocking...
I'm not sure this game will be a day one purchase for me as I have questions about how unlocking...

Excited for this game, sad to read things like this
I've had this preordered for 2 years now, I think.
Ugh, the crunch story sucks. Sadly, I feel the majority of the games industry has been this way for a long time. That doesn't make it right though. I am glad crunch is getting a bigger spotlight as of late, and I hope it makes companies rethink this approach.
Now we need more spotlights on VFX companies.
Just watched the trailer. This looks massive! The framerate didn't look the hottest at times though.
What version & system did you pre-order on?
Originally PS4, but switched to PS5.