So far i've thought the X-Men films have been pretty good. I still haven't seen X-Men Apocalypse yet and so far i've heard mixed reviews about it. Days of Future Past and the Rogue Cut were great films so I have high hopes for Apocalypse. To help with the X-Men fever in the air, Cygnus Destroyer has released a retro review of some of lesser known X-Men games.
Also, not many people can pull off pretending kitchen butter knives are Wolverine claws but Ezero does it with such conviction you really have to admire his style! He should take the place of Hugh Jackman whom will retire the claws after the upcoming Old Man Logan standalone Wolverine film. A sad day for sure but...
Also, not many people can pull off pretending kitchen butter knives are Wolverine claws but Ezero does it with such conviction you really have to admire his style! He should take the place of Hugh Jackman whom will retire the claws after the upcoming Old Man Logan standalone Wolverine film. A sad day for sure but...