The game I am currently playing is The Legend of Zelda Link to the Past and I decided to make a video of me playing the Dark World Dungeon 2. As I explain in the video, I tackle Dark World Dungeons in the order of 1, 4 then 2. After that I usually hit up the ice level as I find that quite a bit of fun. I may capture the remaining levels and post them depending on time and interest by all you lovely people.
It has been __YEARS__ since I last played Link to the Past so my run has a few back tracking moments. That said, this game is still very fun and am really enjoying my time with it.
Happy Retro Tuesday!
It has been __YEARS__ since I last played Link to the Past so my run has a few back tracking moments. That said, this game is still very fun and am really enjoying my time with it.
Happy Retro Tuesday!

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Are you playing that from an actual SNES or are you using an emulator?
I own the original, but I am playing it from an emulator.
What emulator are you using?
This was on my Mac and I used... snes9x
Cool! That's the same emulator I use!
Awesome, yeah its a good one.