As I am out taking the message of Cheerful Ghost to the masses I meet many awesome people doing cool stuff. While I was boothing at the last few events I met a local Portland developer working on Miniverse, a new iOS space game. The game contains a very unique premise and set of game mechanics that are really fun and well worth checking out. As someone that doesn't have a lot of fun with mobile gaming, I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it.

Recently Ryt Games sent me a poster of the game and I wanted to share it in it's awesomery.

Miniverse will drop June 30th on the the iOS App Store so prep your app buying fingers.

Azurephile   Super Member wrote on 06/13/2014 at 01:36am

When I first saw this post on Facebook I thought it said, "MiiVerse is coming to iOS." I thought, "wow, that's interesting that Nintendo is putting that on iOS".

Ryan_Rothweiler wrote on 06/13/2014 at 02:09am

Hey that's my game.

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