Rich Evans y Jack crítica " Gucamelee ". Un juego que es a partes iguales Metroid y luchador.
If you are down with Redletter Media then you need to watch their latest review of the Indie Hit, Guacamelee. I can't argue with them here, the game is really fun. That said, I has so much fun in the first few minutes I wanted to save it for when I got my first Steam Machine. Guacamelee just seems like the kind of game best served on a console and the review seems to seal that thought for me.
If you are down with Redletter Media then you need to watch their latest review of the Indie Hit, Guacamelee. I can't argue with them here, the game is really fun. That said, I has so much fun in the first few minutes I wanted to save it for when I got my first Steam Machine. Guacamelee just seems like the kind of game best served on a console and the review seems to seal that thought for me.