Age of Empires II HD is getting a new expansion titled "The African Kings" adding a new civilization called The Malians. Age of Empires II was released in 1999 yet it is still going strong with the recent HD re-release, The Forgotten Kingdoms expansion and now the upcoming The African Kings. I look forward to more Age of Empires II as this RTS classic, in my opinion, will never go out of style.
Oh and Age of Mythology is also getting a new expansion called "Tale of the Dragon" that was also teased at E3. I am still waiting for iD to drop word of a original Doom map-pack but until then this will have to do.
Oh and Age of Mythology is also getting a new expansion called "Tale of the Dragon" that was also teased at E3. I am still waiting for iD to drop word of a original Doom map-pack but until then this will have to do.