Blizzard dropped a huge 3.0 patch to Starcraft 2 today. This brought a some new changes including an entire redesign of the user interface. It also preps current Starcraft 2 players to get all the files they will need for the expansion come launch day. Blizz has also now made the new Legacy of the Void prologue missions "Whispers of Oblivion" free for everyone. I just finished up the first mission and it was a frantic ride with the Protoss. The into cinematic and first prolog mission really set the stage for the upcoming campaign and if this mission is a taste of what we have in store for the main campaign, it will be great.
For all of you that only have Wings of Liberty or maybe only the free starter edition let me know in the comments if you can play the "Whispers of Oblivion" campaign. Blizzard has allowed more functionality in the Starcraft 2 starter edition with this update and I am curious if the prolog campaign is included for you.
For all of you that only have Wings of Liberty or maybe only the free starter edition let me know in the comments if you can play the "Whispers of Oblivion" campaign. Blizzard has allowed more functionality in the Starcraft 2 starter edition with this update and I am curious if the prolog campaign is included for you.

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I just pre-ordered Legacy of the Void! =)
Nice. I think I'll pre order the collectors edition this weekend.
I decided to do it through the game client, so I pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition. I still intend to play Fallout 4 first and then replay Starcraft II starting with Wings of Liberty. So, it might be quite a while before I make it to Legacy of the Void. I'm not sure if I'll play Whispers of Oblivion before all of that or not.
I just pre-ordered LoTV Collectors Edition. Plan to do an unboxing when I pick it up launch day!