We've know Blizzard is going to release changes to Classic cards to accommodate the new Standard and Wild formats of Whispers of the Old Gods. Today they dropped the deets on all the nerfs and I am going to talk about a couple I find interesting.

"There’s a simple guiding principle that underlies each of the changes you’re about to see: New card releases should have an impact on Standard and enrich Wild, to make sure that Hearthstone is always as dynamic, fresh, and fun as it can be."

Silence and Removal Minons Get The Bat

Blizzard swung the nerf bat at a bunch of minions that have silence and removal abilities starting with the Keeper of The Grove. Keeper of the Grove now only has 2 health making it less of a Druid auto-include. They continued making a change to Ironbeak Owl increasing it's cost to 3 from 2. Ironbeak Owl is still one of the most useful minions I recommend people craft when they start the game. At 3 mana it's less great but I don't think this means it's gone for good merely we may see more people running Spellbreaker. Another change many saw coming was a nerf to Big Game Hunter. Blizzards change to BGH was to increase it's mana cost from 3 to 5 which is a very large change. This allows BGH to start competing with class removal yet it doesn't have the effect of removing it from the game entirely. It's less of a drastic tempo swing now and I don't think it will leave the game but it will see much less play.

Aggro Takes One For The Team

Blizzard wrapped up a whole slew of nerfs that target aggro styled decks and the first hit was to Knife Juggler. Knife Juggler's attack dropped from 3 to 2 which makes it a 2/2 for 2 with the same ability. I don't know if this nerf is enough but it at least allows other 3/2 for 2 minions to compete with it. Blizzard continued the aggro nerf swing with changes to Leper Gnome and Arcane Golem.

If you are interested in reading up on the entire changes check the official post below. Let me know what you think of these changes in the comments, curious to hear what cards you think were fairly treated and what cards were treated to harshly.

Bina wrote on 04/21/2016 at 09:41am

It will be interesting to see if BGH gets much play. The beautify of it before was that you could drop it and have a decent minion even if the enemy never played a powerful minion. Now other forms of removal may be much better. With this nerf, I would rather have a polymorph, hex, assassinate, ect, in my deck than a BGH.
It looks like the most profound nerf is blade fury. It seems like EVERY rouge deck as the poison dagger blade fury combo. My guess is that that will not be true any more. Can't say that I'm sad to see that nerf!

Bina wrote on 04/21/2016 at 09:51am

Also!! I thought for sure that they would nerf Auchenai Soulpreist. Is anyone else worried about AS + Corrupted Healbot?!?

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/22/2016 at 02:49am

> It will be interesting to see if BGH gets much play. The beautify of it before was that you could drop it and have a decent minion even if the enemy never played a powerful minion. Now other forms of removal may be much better. With this nerf, I would rather have a polymorph, hex, assassinate, ect, in my deck than a BGH.

I wonder the same thing. It trades well in a world of big minions because you also get out a 4/2 but hex is so much cheaper with the 0/1 Frog downside. I'm not really sure, but I think it will still see some play in Standard.

> Also!! I thought for sure that they would nerf Auchenai Soulpreist. Is anyone else worried about AS + Corrupted Healbot?!?

That would be a very fun priest combo as Soulpriest costs 4 and Corrupted Healbot costs 5 so it might work as a late game killing stroke!

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