Hearthstone Lead Designer Ben Brode and commentator Frodan hosted a Twitch live stream earlier today where they played a couple matches with the new Whispers of the Old Gods card set. If you are interested in seeing Old Cards decks in action the stream is a must watch. All of the decks they played with were incredible fun to see and I am really interested to see how the game changes with so many new and crazy cards in play.
So Much Evil For Free
During the Old Gods launch on April 26th players will get 3 free packs for signing in as well as the free Old God Legendary C'Thun and two support minions. Today Blizzard also revealed that you will get a new quest that will give you 5 free packs when you get 2 Standard Mode wins. After you beat the 2 standard mode wins quest you will get another quest where you can win 5 packs for another 7 Standard Mode wins. It's nice Blizzard is giving people a very apt starting Legendary card and this many free packs to help out brand new players and help level the field a bit.
You can flip through the recently revealed Whispers of the Old Gods cards on Hearthstone's Facebook page and the full list on Reddit.
So Much Evil For Free
During the Old Gods launch on April 26th players will get 3 free packs for signing in as well as the free Old God Legendary C'Thun and two support minions. Today Blizzard also revealed that you will get a new quest that will give you 5 free packs when you get 2 Standard Mode wins. After you beat the 2 standard mode wins quest you will get another quest where you can win 5 packs for another 7 Standard Mode wins. It's nice Blizzard is giving people a very apt starting Legendary card and this many free packs to help out brand new players and help level the field a bit.
You can flip through the recently revealed Whispers of the Old Gods cards on Hearthstone's Facebook page and the full list on Reddit.

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Good luck trying to play today! LOL I tried earlier, failed, I tried again and again, more failure. I just tried again, guess what? Yeah, failure. They're aware of the issue apparently and are "investigating" it.
Now, what I'm curious about is how long will the "So Much Evil For Free" offer stands. How long do we have to get those wins to get those extra cards? It is very tempting to try that out.
> Good luck trying to play today! LOL I tried earlier, failed, I tried again and again, more failure. I just tried again, guess what? Yeah, failure. They're aware of the issue apparently and are "investigating" it.

Yeah, I had lots of problems. I imagine the servers are on fire right now
> Now, what I'm curious about is how long will the "So Much Evil For Free" offer stands. How long do we have to get those wins to get those extra cards? It is very tempting to try that out.
You get 3 free packs for signing in. You get C'Thun and two other support minions for opening your first Old Gods packs. Then you get two quests to open another 10 Old Gods packs.
> You get 3 free packs for signing in. You get C'Thun and two other support minions for opening your first Old Gods packs. Then you get two quests to open another 10 Old Gods packs.
How much time do we have to complete those quests? Will they disappear after a few days or so?
Not sure if they expire. The quests are get X wins in standard mode. So it's about as hard as any other win except it's in the new mode.