When Joel Hodgson created the Kickstarter project to bring back Mystery Science Theater 3000 I was in a blissful nerdvana. Before that I didn't think the show would even come back and then it was funded. Recently they just wrapped up filming the new season of the show and are talking about releasing the new episodes early next year. We are so close to a new movie sign I can almost taste the satellite of love.
Shout Factory is the company that has released the old classic MST3K seasons on DVD a bit at a time and recently they have been dropping free episodes on YouTube. If you haven't seen Mystery Science Theater or want to revist it you should hit play on Earth VS. The Spider above. It's one of my more favorite show format episodes in that it starts with a 50's era PSA video titled "In Speech: Using Your Voice" which is a Professor teaching you how to be an effective speaker. The reason why these 50's era PSAs are so fun to watch and riff is because they are a really fun window into a time in society that is long since past. Earth VS. The Spider is also one of those perfect MST3K movies in that it is a fairly good film but campy and badgood enough to be interesting.
Shout Factory is the company that has released the old classic MST3K seasons on DVD a bit at a time and recently they have been dropping free episodes on YouTube. If you haven't seen Mystery Science Theater or want to revist it you should hit play on Earth VS. The Spider above. It's one of my more favorite show format episodes in that it starts with a 50's era PSA video titled "In Speech: Using Your Voice" which is a Professor teaching you how to be an effective speaker. The reason why these 50's era PSAs are so fun to watch and riff is because they are a really fun window into a time in society that is long since past. Earth VS. The Spider is also one of those perfect MST3K movies in that it is a fairly good film but campy and badgood enough to be interesting.