The Blackest Friday is nearly upon us and as such there will be some pretty crazy video game deals coming and I am going to collect the ones I see here. If you pick something up or find something too good not to share, drop it in the comments to share with everyone.

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Blizzard is starting things up by offering some deep discounts on it's library. Overwatch Origins Edition is 40% off, WoW is $4.99, StarCraft II Legacy of the Void is $20, Heart of the Swarm is $10 as is Wings of Liberty. Blizzards free to play Heroes of the Storm is offering in game discounts on hero bundles some being up to 87% off!
Also, I have a code for 50% off the Warcraft movie on Google Play. If someone wants that let me know and i'll message it to you.
The Steam Autumn Sale should be beginning, soon, too. Here's a link I found about the leaked dates and times for the Autumn and Winter Sales.
Steam Autumn Sale is on! I went ahead and bought Dragon Age: Origins the Ultimate Edition for less than $8. I have this version for the PS3, but I'd much rather play it on my PC. I have the vanilla (not Ultimate Edition) one that I got for free via Origin. I'm not quite sure if I want anything else on Steam.
Anyway, I just thought I'd post an update about the sale.
> Dragon Age: Origins the Ultimate Edition for less than $8
It's an interesting game. I played the start and a bit into the main campaign. It was fun and I somewhat enjoyed it but I was having a hard time with the combat and instead of trying to figure out how to make it work I just walked away from it.
> I'm not quite sure if I want anything else on Steam.
I want a couple games but I imagine they will be a bit less during the holiday sale so I might wait it out for that. Darkest Dungeon being the game I want to get above the rest.
Big Origin sale right now. Sims 4 is $10.
>It's an interesting game. I played the start and a bit into the main campaign. It was fun and I somewhat enjoyed it but I was having a hard time with the combat and instead of trying to figure out how to make it work I just walked away from it.
I played it a bit, too. Aside from playing it days ago, I hadn't played it for two years. I thought it was ok I guess. One of my friends is always talking about the DA series, so I figured I'd give it a try. I have a demo for Inquisition, but I haven't played it much either. I'm not sure I'm too fond of the combat system in those games either.
>I want a couple games but I imagine they will be a bit less during the holiday sale so I might wait it out for that. Darkest Dungeon being the game I want to get above the rest.
I honestly can't really think of what I want, I guess I really don't want much. I know I should give the Mass Effect series a try (again seeing others rave about it). I have a demo for ME3, but haven't tried it yet. I'm also kind of interested in Far Cry: Primal. The newer Wolfenstein (not the classic from long ago) series is some what tempting, too. You're not the only one here that's said good things about it. Other than that I'm pretty clueless. I haven't given Assassin's Creed much of a try either.
>Big Origin sale right now. Sims 4 is $10.
That sounds pretty good. I was going to mention the Origin sale. If I checked that first instead of Steam, I could have saved about $2, but that's ok. The other DA games aren't on Steam, so I might buy them from the Origin store. I'm not sure if I'll do it now or wait a month to see if they have another sale. They are under $20 each (even for DAI's GotY Edition).
I'm interested in what others here are thinking about picking up, or if they think it'll be better to wait a month for the Winter sale.
> I have a demo for Inquisition, but I haven't played it much either. I'm not sure I'm too fond of the combat system in those games either.
Agreed. Back in the day I played, and loved, Neverwinter Nights but for whatever reason, I loved that game and the combat system. Neverwinter Nights had the pause mechanic but I never used it or at least don't remember using it as much as Dragon Age seemed to require. I don't mind games you pause to consider things as FTL is one of the best games i've played, but in Dragon Age, I don't know, I didn't love it.
> The newer Wolfenstein (not the classic from long ago) series is some what tempting, too. You're not the only one here that's said good things about it. Other than that I'm pretty clueless. I haven't given Assassin's Creed much of a try either.
Wolfenstein New Order is superb. The story and gameplay are top notch and it's well worth a shot but if you're not interested in picking anything up, then i'd argue you shouldn't.
> I'm interested in what others here are thinking about picking up, or if they think it'll be better to wait a month for the Winter sale.
The Winter Sale will have deeper discounts so if you aren't excited about picking something up, the Winter sale should tempt you more.
>Agreed. Back in the day I played, and loved, Neverwinter Nights but for whatever reason, I loved that game and the combat system. Neverwinter Nights had the pause mechanic but I never used it or at least don't remember using it as much as Dragon Age seemed to require. I don't mind games you pause to consider things as FTL is one of the best games i've played, but in Dragon Age, I don't know, I didn't love it.
I understand, I'm not quite used to the whole pause play either.
>Wolfenstein New Order is superb. The story and gameplay are top notch and it's well worth a shot but if you're not interested in picking anything up, then i'd argue you shouldn't.
I'm not really uninterested in picking something up, I already got DA:O Ultimate Edition. Although, I think I was just kind of excited about the sale and price. Wolfenstein pricing looks really damn good, too.
>The Winter Sale will have deeper discounts so if you aren't excited about picking something up, the Winter sale should tempt you more.
Yeah, that's what makes me think I should have waited before my purchase during this sale, because I did read that the Winter Sale has "deeper discounts" as you mentioned. My purchase this sale was a bit impulsive, but I'm ok with it. It's funny about how I noticed it was going on. Vinny asked me to add $5 to his Steam Wallet, which I do every now and then (he usually asks for $10). Once I went online to do it, I noticed the sale going on and got excited. He was happy, too, because he decided to spend that $5 on Spore.
Do you know if Origin has a near Christmas sale, like Steam, too? I haven't spent a lot of time with that store, I've only received some free games they offered, I haven't bought anything there yet.
> Do you know if Origin has a near Christmas sale, like Steam, too? I haven't spent a lot of time with that store, I've only received some free games they offered, I haven't bought anything there yet.
If memory serves it does have a pretty nice sale around Christmas. I haven't bought anything from Origin yet either. I'm really happy with the free library though. One time I bought a Humble Origin Bundle which got me some fun games on Steam and Origin.
> If memory serves it does have a pretty nice sale around Christmas. I haven't bought anything from Origin yet either. I'm really happy with the free library though. One time I bought a Humble Origin Bundle which got me some fun games on Steam and Origin.
Sweet. I tried to find my answer w/ Google, but couldn't come up with anything. DA:I was about 60%+ off, so I went ahead and bought it and DA2. I have a demo for Mass Effect 3, but haven't tried it yet. I should give it a try so I can decide whether or not to pick it (possibly the trilogy) up, although it's on Steam, so I could probably wait until the Winter Sale begins.
I decided to go ahead and get Wolfenstein: Old Blood and New Order. Also, since I remembered, I went ahead and got the Borderlands trilogy. I think the last time I looked, the "Take Over Your Life" Borderlands bundle was almost $90. Now it's greatly less. However, it didn't seem to come with the Game of the Year editions, so I purchased those separately. I also bought the season pass for the pre-sequel. All of these games are incredibly cheap right now. It definitely seems like the perfect time to buy. I'd like to note that all of my game purchases this Black Friday season are based upon strong recommendations from friends, obviously including our fellow Cheerful Ghosts. :)
> I decided to go ahead and get Wolfenstein: Old Blood and New Order.
Awesome. New Order is great. Can't wait to hear your review of it.
> I went ahead and got the Borderlands trilogy.
Again, great choice. Are you thinking of starting with the original Borderlands? I'd recommend that, it's a solid game start to finish. I played a bit of the DLC, which was also fairly good.
> Awesome. New Order is great. Can't wait to hear your review of it.
I'm laughing at myself, because Travis has called me out a few times for "necro posting." Maybe I'll create my own post about it.
>Again, great choice. Are you thinking of starting with the original Borderlands? I'd recommend that, it's a solid game start to finish. I played a bit of the DLC, which was also fairly good.
Well, that's one of the advantages of being here, game recommendations! I remember years ago looking for game recommendations (which I do every now and then) and you and Travis mentioned Terraria (which I still love). Yeah, I'm intending to start with the original, then the pre-sequel, then B2.
Now I have to wait for all these downloads to finish and some are pretty big. I'm still playing through Skyrim SE and there's still more Ark for me. I'm not sure when I'll start these new-to-me games, probably some time when I finish w/ Skyrim SE. I might start with the Wolfenstein games, since they seem to be short.
Oh. Curious how the orenseuel works as the game before borderlands 2. The pre sequelncame out after BL2 so I wonder how it works story wise playing it first?
I picked up a non gaming thing for Black Friday in the Amazon Echo. It's pretty neat. I wonder if Apple will make one?
>Oh. Curious how the orenseuel works as the game before borderlands 2. The pre sequelncame out after BL2 so I wonder how it works story wise playing it first?
I think a friend said I should play the first game, then the pre-sequel, then the second game. I could look it up for more info, but at least it makes sense to me that the stories follow that order.
>I picked up a non gaming thing for Black Friday in the Amazon Echo. It's pretty neat. I wonder if Apple will make one?
I honestly only know of the Echo by name, but don't really know much of anything about it. I think it's a search engine that you activate by speaking to it. Feel free to let me know what that is, how it works, and if you like it.