I watched an interesting video on Kotaku the other day about questioned certain kinds of brand loyalty i've linked above. It's an interesting thing to consider and after watching it caused me to think a bit about how I approach brands and if the biggest ones really need my loyalty at all. I certainly love video games and that passion drove me to create this website and post regularly about them but that doesn't mean I need to have a blind devotion to brands. The modern reality of the Internet allows us to be connected to our favorite things all day long and I think some, perhaps, see this as a stave for actual human relationships. Not to say I haven't made friends by running Cheerful Ghost and those relationships are fake, they aren't, but perhaps our loyalty should be to people and not corporations.
If you have thoughts on the video and this topic i'd love to hear them.
If you have thoughts on the video and this topic i'd love to hear them.