A while ago Shovel Knight on consoles got two updates I was envious of. XBone owners got a Battle Toads content update and PS4 owners of the game got Kratos content. I don't love console exclusives but the Battle Toads content looked really cool and I always wanted to check it out. Looks like Yacht Club is making the Battle Toads content free for everyone on PC today so we all can!
"Hop to it! The Battletoads are now available on PC/Mac/Linux versions of Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove! Steam, Windows Store, Humble Store & GOG."
I linked to a good article from IGN about how to get the Battle Toads content along with the Battle Toads PC patch notes and update Tweet from Yacht Club.
"Hop to it! The Battletoads are now available on PC/Mac/Linux versions of Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove! Steam, Windows Store, Humble Store & GOG."
I linked to a good article from IGN about how to get the Battle Toads content along with the Battle Toads PC patch notes and update Tweet from Yacht Club.

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The switch wants content too! Maybe the Amiibos are the switch's exclusive content.
> Maybe the Amiibos are the switch's exclusive content.
I think so.