Mega Man 11 finally hit and the reviews are coming in and so far, it looks like it's one of the best games to come out in quite some time. Cygnus Destroyer, a YouTuber known for his Innocent Until Proven Guilty series has a fun Mega Man 11 review and to put it simply... he finds it "mega magnificent." You can watch his review at the link below.
Digital Foundry has also reviewed Mega Man 11 and finds it similarly as incredible but goes much more in depth and compares each version on PS4, XBox, Switch and PC and all the various versions to the frame rate level. It's the quality you'd expect from Digital Foundry and I appreciate how they take a peek back at the franchise history.
Digital Foundry has also reviewed Mega Man 11 and finds it similarly as incredible but goes much more in depth and compares each version on PS4, XBox, Switch and PC and all the various versions to the frame rate level. It's the quality you'd expect from Digital Foundry and I appreciate how they take a peek back at the franchise history.