I've recently discovered a new gaming YouTube channel by the name of Arlo. The premise is Arlo is a puppet that is into gaming. Arlo's puppetry style is akin to Sesame Street and the humor and puppetry is top notch. That said, Arlo has focused a bit on Nintendo in the last few years and recently dropped a prediction video that is very specific about what Nintendo will do in 2020. It all seems entirely plausible and the prediction that Arlo makes that I'm most keen to see happen is a port of the Super Mario 3D World from the Wii U to Switch. Arlo notes, and I totally agree, that it seems like we should have got many more Wii U to Switch ports and also predicts this is the year Nintendo will bring Super Mario 3D World to Switch because it's a great game and it would sell a lot of units. Along the way he predicts a lot more so clicky clack that video for all the details and afterward let me know what you think is likely in 2020 and what you'd like Nintendo to launch.