Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Warzone is a brand new Battle Royale game that launched for free on, XBox and Playstation. So far the game is garnering great reviews calling it a fresh take on a pretty established Battle Royale genre. Warzone ups the ante by allowing a maximum of 150 players in a match, creating a much larger world map and adding two games modes in the normal Battle Royale mode and Plunder. So far, Plunder is the only mode I've played and it's great. You jump into the map Apex Legends style with a team and you work together to collect cash from loot chests around the map. The teams that collect the most cash are shown for everyone to come after and as part of the mode you can call in helicopters to haul your cash away.
Since Warzone is totally free and I enjoy playing Battle Royale games from time to time I decided to start up and give Warzone a shot. It's nice that Warzone is free and integrates cleanly in but the 70+ gig download is more than annoying. In the end I had fun playing Warzone and if you love games like Apex Legends or Fortnite and you are looking for something totally different this is well worth a shot. Linking to the video review from Digital Foundry above as they've played it quite a bit more and focus on the games engine and performance.
Since Warzone is totally free and I enjoy playing Battle Royale games from time to time I decided to start up and give Warzone a shot. It's nice that Warzone is free and integrates cleanly in but the 70+ gig download is more than annoying. In the end I had fun playing Warzone and if you love games like Apex Legends or Fortnite and you are looking for something totally different this is well worth a shot. Linking to the video review from Digital Foundry above as they've played it quite a bit more and focus on the games engine and performance.