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Digital Foundry has another incredible review of Doom 64 up on YouTube and as with most of their coverage, you need to watch it. As the interview unfolds they bring in some really fun perspectives of the Nightdive developers working on this port. Nightdive studios doesn't just emulate these old games but ports them brining new features and enhancements to old games giving them a level of love and polish games like Doom 64 deserves.

"In a DF Retro exclusive, John Linneman talks with Nightdive Studios about the process of bringing the classic, totally original Nintendo 64 rendition of Doom over to the current-gen platforms. In this video, you'll see what made the original release so fascinating, while Nightdive staff tell all on how the game was reverse-engineered and delivered on current-gen platforms. Oh - and is this the first 1440p Xbox One S game?"

Azurephile   Super Member wrote on 04/14/2020 at 04:27am

Cool! I have had the game on my wish list for a bit now, since those days I told you I was watching LGR. At that time, I decided I wanted to dive back into all of Doom, I only played Doom, Doom 2, and Doom 2016. Thanks for sharing! I've seen so much Doom content on YouTube lately, I love it! I can't wait to get Doom Eternal, but I'm hoping to catch it on a good discount, maybe during Steam's summer sale, maybe at a later one, I'm not sure yet, but I do want it.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/15/2020 at 03:23am

This the season... of DOOM!

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