The Elder Scrolls: Castles launched last week on iOS and Android and I've been playing it a bit each day since. It's a good tippy tap phone game that Bethesda boasted is a spiritual sequel to Fallout Shelter. And yeah, they were totally right, it's the same basic gameplay of Fallout Shelter but with an Elder Scrolls theme. It's not just a reskin as they've improved upon many of the game mechanics in that the time passes differently and there is a bit more to the game to keep track of. Still, it's a very similar game and they launched with a bit more than the original Fallout Shelter had but already after a week I'm not sure what may keep me playing it? Is it a fun game worth check out? Absolutely. If you've played everything Fallout Shelter had does this add much more? Well, generally no it has about what Fallout Shelter has and for that I'm curious if they plan to add more to the base game?

I'm impressed with what they've done here and the focus on hand drawn graphics in the Elder Scrolls universe is a choice I didn't expect. So far, I've built everything you can and am not really sure where to progress with it. I'll keep it installed on my phone and hope that more comes but since it's free and I've already had a lot of fun, so I'm not sure what more to expect. If you love everything Elder Scrolls or the original Fallout Shelter this game is a must play. Plus it's free so there isn't much reason not to install it and build your kingdom!