iD's reboot of the DOOM franchise came out in 2016 and went on to win quite a few awards and player accolades as well as spawned a few sequels. Recently, I finally found some time to complete the whole messy affair and it was a lot of fun. Perfect? No. Does it live up to the greatness of the original DOS game? Yep.

Firstly the new DOOM game is a bloody, violent and pulse-poundingly fast game that doesn't spare any demons on your way to keep Hell out of Earth. The things I really like about DOOM 2016 are that it controls very well and once you learn how to swap between the guns and what guns are better for certain enemies the game plays like a frantic rock paper scissors blood-fiesta. Dying in DOOM doesn't penalize you that much as you can reload before each area and try you hand at things again. In this way, DOOM feels like a Hotline Miami, which is another game where you go from arena to arena and defeat the enemies in, sometimes, new and interesting ways.

Each gun feels incredible and I really enjoyed the ways you could customize them to your liking. You even earn enough points to develop both gun skill trees which is fun to do even if I didn't really try each gun tree. Usually I found the one that sounded the best and stuck to that. One gun combo I used to much satisfaction was the Plasma+Stun which allows me to stun lock a demon and smash it with enough bullets to kill it. I did this a lot and it worked every time on every demon I tried it on.

One part of DOOM that got quite stale was in the last 25% of the game being the amount of demon arenas the game tosses your way. In fact, that's just about all the game is. Walk a bit, do a story thing, then do an arena, arena, walk and do a story thing then another arena. DOOM is fun, it's just that the arenas get a bit long in the tooth and by the end I wanted to just have it be over already.

I appreciated the final boss fight wasn't long winded, or very hard so the game could wrap up nicely and all the demons could finally die or spend all their time where in hell where they belong.

I picked up DOOM 2016 in a recent Humble Bundle and played it on a combination of my PC & Steam Deck. DOOM plays great on the deck, but having a larger screen on my PC was more my style. Looking forward to picking up DOOM Eternal and I've heard it's even better, which sounds awesome. I just hope it doesn't take me nine years to finally beat it once I do.