"Seven legendary titles to rock your gaming library. The Humble THQ Bundle is here with a colossal onslaught of esteemed titles. Pay $1 or more for Steam keys for Company of Heroes (and its two full-blown expansions Opposing Fronts and Tales of Valor), Darksiders, Metro 2033, and Red Faction: Armageddon. And if you pay over the average price you’ll also receive the extraordinary Saints Row: The Third!"
Where to begin. First off gratz to the Humble folks, this is a pretty cool next step for them. Its cool seeing the Bundle be able to keep doing Bundle after Bundle. They have tried some awesome stuff, the Android Bundle, The Author/Book Bundle, The Double Fine Amnesia Fortnight and the awesome normal bundles of course. That said I am wondering a few things about the Humble Bundle.
Did the Indie thing change? Not that they must be at all moments but it seems the last few bundles were "mainstream." Not that mainstream is bad, but it is called the Humble Indie Bundle. One other staple of the Bundles was that they were always playable on Windows, Mac and Linux. The THQ Bundle is Windows only as was Double Fine's Amnesia Fortnight. Will the Indie Bundles remain cross-platform and not the mainstream ones?
That said, I am happy the Humble Bundle is continuing its trend of allowing people to buy awesome games and donate to charity. Oh and the THQ bundle is doing pretty well, they raised 1 million dollars in 5 hours!
Are you picking up this bundle?
"Seven legendary titles to rock your gaming library. The Humble THQ Bundle is here with a colossal onslaught of esteemed titles. Pay $1 or more for Steam keys for Company of Heroes (and its two full-blown expansions Opposing Fronts and Tales of Valor), Darksiders, Metro 2033, and Red Faction: Armageddon. And if you pay over the average price you’ll also receive the extraordinary Saints Row: The Third!"
Where to begin. First off gratz to the Humble folks, this is a pretty cool next step for them. Its cool seeing the Bundle be able to keep doing Bundle after Bundle. They have tried some awesome stuff, the Android Bundle, The Author/Book Bundle, The Double Fine Amnesia Fortnight and the awesome normal bundles of course. That said I am wondering a few things about the Humble Bundle.
Did the Indie thing change? Not that they must be at all moments but it seems the last few bundles were "mainstream." Not that mainstream is bad, but it is called the Humble Indie Bundle. One other staple of the Bundles was that they were always playable on Windows, Mac and Linux. The THQ Bundle is Windows only as was Double Fine's Amnesia Fortnight. Will the Indie Bundles remain cross-platform and not the mainstream ones?
That said, I am happy the Humble Bundle is continuing its trend of allowing people to buy awesome games and donate to charity. Oh and the THQ bundle is doing pretty well, they raised 1 million dollars in 5 hours!
Are you picking up this bundle?

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I picked up this bundle for metro and red faction. I already had everything else but who could pass up such a great deal. Sadly, you do not get giftable copies of the games you already own.
Ah that makes sense. I think I will pick this up too at some point as I really don't need any new games for the time being.... So... many... games...
I just picked it up. Excited to crack open Metro 2033.
Tried a bit of red faction Armageddon today. It was pretty fun but i haven't got all that far in it. I do hate the fact that there is very limited graphical changes. Made the game not run as well as it should be able to on my PC.
I have a powerful rig and Metro 2033 is a slideshow with down resed graphics.
Mine is pretty crap. I can usually get games to play well if i can turn down the graphics though.
I got this mostly for Metro 2033. I hope it runs better than what you all are describing.
If you do let me know what you did to make it work well. Eventually I need to upgrade my video card but so far Metro 2033 was the only game that seemed to need it.
I was talking about red faction
Right, I should have used the @will. That said, @br what settings are you running red faction with? At some point I am going to install that too.
Lowest settings it allows, which isn't much. It doesn't really look any different on any graphical settings. At least to me it doesn't. I got a very slight performance boost from lowering the graphics.
Picked this one up for Metro 2033 and Red Faction, as well. Ok. That and the SR3 soundtrack, so I'd own a legitimate copy of it.
Haven't seen the graphics issues you're describing in Metro 2033 and my current PC rig is a core i3 with an integrated Intel HD 3000. Of course, I had to set the graphics to low, resolution down to 1280x720 and it stutters a bit, but it's playable.
Yeah I ran it in 720p, DirectX 9 and it was a pretty bad slide show. Ill check again, maybe I am doing something wrong.
Do you have a DirectX 10 option? I think that's what finally made it playable for me. I know Saint's Row was unplayable in DX9, but DX10 got me around 20 fps.
I was using DX9 and 11. Ill try 10 :D
Ok, good call @beanismyname I just tried DX10 and it works SO much better. So smooth, I might be able to upscale the resolution.
Yep it can totally handle the higher resolution too. Strange DX9 and 11 both didn't work well.
Oh well, thanks for the tip!